Top 10 Most Mysterious Things

I can definitely see why this is considered so mysterious. As an agnostic atheist, I don't believe that a deity or deities exist, yet I also claim that it is unknowable whether a deity exists or not.
The Sun was formed when a giant molecular cloud collapsed gravitationally. The mass that collapsed in the center then collected, forming the Sun. While we don't exactly know how life started, we do know that it wasn't a single event but a continuous process known as evolution. Humans are smarter than many other animals and are also capable of a unique form of communication. All life adapts to its environment, and this causes unique beings to form, such as us humans.
The Big Bang was what created the Universe, but is there a god out there? No one knows. Did a god send his son to die on a cross for our sins? Do we have special places to pray for our god? Do multiple gods exist as manifestations of the one god? Is there no god, yet a way to know how the Universe works? Is there a god who created us in a week and blessed a day? Whatever the truth may be, these ideas are loved by many.
Not everyone is a fundamentalist. I'm not even religious, but I think if there is a soul, it's our skin.
I think it's either reincarnation - perhaps as a plant or creature. Imagine coming back as a fly or a human. Then there's the idea of ghosts. If there is a god, it's probably like some star.
Listen, I know you probably think there must be something after the afterlife, like Heaven. Well, Heaven is supposed to be a new world.
There's nothing more mysterious than the afterlife. We have no physical evidence, only prophecies and holy books.

It's almost impossible to fully understand what black holes are and what they do. I would suggest conducting experiments to study their effects on humans.
I've heard that once you enter a black hole, you would stretch like spaghetti.

Did you know that the number of shipwrecks in the Bermuda Triangle is actually the same as in the rest of the oceans? The only reason it's considered mysterious is because of popular beliefs.
I think this should be number one on the list!

This is a mysterious painting by Leonardo da Vinci. The woman in the painting seems to follow you with her eyes no matter where you stand.
The Mona Lisa is a masterpiece of art. It's almost as if she comes to life as she watches you. Her eyes seem to follow you from left to right, as if she is watching the entire world.

My relatives and parents swear that ghosts are real. They are Asian and VERY superstitious.

Aliens have to be out there. We can't be the only planet with life. There's got to be some other planet that has a form of life that can't be compared to ours. We can't be alone in the universe.
I bet $10,000 (not really) that there are other forms of life out there. The universe is so big - how can there not be others?

The Newcomers

God might question whether women are written in the Book of Life.
The Hum is a phenomenon that consists of mysterious low humming noises or other related sounds, typically in a low pitch or tone. Only a small percentage of people are capable of hearing it.
The causes of the Hum remain unexplained, although there are some theories, none of which are definitive. It is often thought to be an acoustic phenomenon.

That image is amazing! It would work well as an album cover.

The superstition surrounding the number 13 comes from religious belief. When Jesus and his twelve apostles (13 people) were at the Last Supper (on a Friday), one of the apostles (Judas) was a traitor. Since then, Friday the 13th, or the number 13 in general, has been considered a day and a number of bad luck.
The weirdest thing is, the number 13 comes up every month. Some people are even born on that day.
Hotels are so superstitious that they usually don't have a 13th floor.
We know more about outer space than we do about the deep oceans. Who knows what lives down there or how big they get? If the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs hit Mexico, there's no reason something that lives at the bottom of the Pacific or Indian Ocean wouldn't have been shielded and survived.
Interesting stuff!
We can be certain that time travel is not real. If it were, people from the future would have already messed something up and been found in the past or our present. People say there would be chaos if it were invented, but if it had come about, there would be chaos in our current time.
Some claim that proof of time travel is in old photos or videos, such as the man who appears to be on a mobile phone in a Charlie Chaplin film, but he most likely was not. Someone would have questioned it at the time.
There would have been prevention of certain disasters if time travel was ever invented - past, present, or future. It would exist until the end of our time and would be used almost constantly. If it were real, people would be traveling back to historical events, such as the Liverpool Football disaster, to prevent them. People from the past would be with us in huge numbers all the time. From the beginning of time to the end, people from another time would have become present. Therefore, it is almost impossible that no one has ever been caught out. Time travel will never exist. It is impossible.

We believe aliens make them, but if scientists prove they are fake, then who makes them? Dracula? Bigfoot?
Crop circles also ruin farmers' crops and fields! They are always perfect circles, which seems impossible for humans to create.
The mysterious disappearance of one of the most advanced aircraft in aviation history remains unsolved. There are many theories, but still no trace.
I'm surprised this isn't ranked higher. Since it happened, it has become one of the biggest mysteries to mankind.
This deserves to be higher on the list. It should be in the top ten at least. Vote for this, guys!

This is the most mysterious place in the world. Only Josh Gates can find this place.