Top 10 Plants You Shouldn't Touch
These plants and trees are extremely dangerous and you shouldn't touch them. If you touch them, they can hurt you really bad. They can cause severe pain, itchiness, rashes, blisters, third degree burns or even blindness. Also, do not eat these plants/trees because they're very toxic and they can hurt you a lot, they can also kill you. If you see any of those plants/trees, do not touch them and do not eat them.
Gympie Gympie, also known as the suicide plant, is one of the deadliest plants in the world. Its sting is extremely painful and is considered to cause one of the most excruciating sensations known. The hairs of the plant can penetrate your skin, intensifying the pain. This plant can also severely harm animals. The pain can last for several months, if not longer. The sensation is often described as a mix of being electrocuted and being burned by hot acid simultaneously.
There is a story of a police officer in Australia who mistakenly used a Gympie Gympie leaf as toilet paper. The pain was so unbearable that the officer shot himself. These plants are commonly found in rainforests in Australia. If you touch this plant, seek medical attention immediately. If that's not possible, use a pair of tweezers or adhesive tape to remove the hairs from your skin.

Poison Ivy is a very dangerous plant that is quite common. Contact with Poison Ivy can result in rashes, blisters, and bubbles on your skin. Its sap is highly contagious. The reaction typically starts within 12 to 72 hours. If you touch this plant, wash the sap off as soon as possible to prevent it from spreading.
If you find Poison Ivy near your home, do not burn it, as the smoke can cause internal damage if inhaled. It's better to call an experienced person to remove it. Remember the saying, "Leaves of three, let it be."
Poison Oak is a relative of Poison Ivy. Contact with Poison Oak can result in rashes, blisters, and bubbles. If you accidentally touch this plant, wash the sap off as soon as possible. The sap is also highly contagious.

Predatory plant. Definitely avoid contact with the "mouth."

Giant Hogweeds are extremely dangerous plants that can cause severe pain. Their sap is highly toxic and makes your skin extremely sensitive to sunlight. Exposure can result in third-degree burns or even blindness. If you come into contact with this plant, wash the affected area and anything else that came into contact with the sap. Avoid exposing your skin to the sun for at least 48 hours.
If you find this plant near your home, do not touch it. Instead, call a professional or someone experienced to remove it. These plants can grow as tall as 14 feet and are commonly found in fields or forests in several countries.

Aside from being poisonous, bees love hiding inside it.

Stinging Nettles are plants that cause itchiness and mild pain. However, the discomfort doesn't last long compared to more dangerous plants. Stinging Nettles are very common and found in many countries. If you need to remove these plants, it's best to use gloves.
I hate these. If you asked me for something I hate, I would say nettles.
Hurts like a stinging bee or touching something very hot.
Cow Parsnips are similar to Giant Hogweeds and Wild Parsnips, but their effects are less severe. The flowers are white, and the plants don't grow as tall as Giant Hogweeds. These plants also contain toxic sap and can be found in several countries.
The Newcomers

I've touched one of these before. Don't ask me what the hell I was thinking.
Really? No one put this on yet? WOW!
Wild Parsnips are similar to Giant Hogweeds but cause less intense pain. Their flowers are yellow instead of white, and they also contain toxic sap. While they don't grow as tall as Giant Hogweeds, they still pose a risk. If you touch this plant, wash off the sap immediately and avoid sun exposure for at least 48 hours.
Wild Parsnips are commonly found in various countries, including in backyards. It's best to call a professional to remove them.
The Manchineel Tree is a dangerous tree that produces deadly fruits. These fruits resemble tiny apples but are extremely toxic and can be fatal if ingested. The tree's sap can cause blisters and even temporary blindness. The Manchineel Tree is highly dangerous, and you should avoid touching it.
Poison Sumac is another relative of Poison Ivy. All these plants contain toxic sap that can cause significant pain. If you come into contact with Poison Sumac, wash off the sap immediately.
Buttercup plants are innocent-looking flowers, but they are extremely dangerous. They can poison animals if ingested, and if a person eats these flowers, it could be fatal due to their high toxicity.

This is just plain common sense.
Very sharp spikes on the sides of the branches can easily cause infections from pricking your fingers on them.