Top Ten Reasons Why Summer is Better Than Winter
A list that states why summer is better than winter.
I like warm weather more than cold. I'd rather sweat than tremble and freeze. I live in a really hot place, so yeah, I'm used to it. People think I'm weird for actually liking warm weather more than cold.
At least in summer, it's easier to get cooler than to get warm. My body temperature is very weird. I hate winter. I freeze to death and cannot stand the cold at all. Thank God it does not go below 0° where I'm from. I keep shaking from the cold, which annoys me. Plus, it's hard for me to get warm, and I cannot eat cold foods. And fewer vacations too, that stinks.

I like swimming more than snow. It is dope. I want to go swim in a pool now. I've always liked getting wet and cool in the water. But snow is also great, very fun to play in. Actually, I like both, so yeah.
I love swimming because it's fun, very good exercise, and at least you'll know how to swim!
Swimming is the best because you get to relax in the warm summer heat!

I've never liked school, so summer is my time to really enjoy life. It's a darn shame summer vacation is only two and a half months long. As a warm weather lover, heat is second on my list too!
In Australia, my birthday is in January, which is in summer, and I'm very lucky!
I'm doing a writing, and this is one of the reasons I'm using!
It also happens to me as well. Getting numb from the cold is really annoying to me.
Well, yes, naturally! Although yesterday I went to watch an open-air show, which was lovely. I wore my prettiest lace dress because it's light and airy. I didn't realize until I got home and undressed just how much my fair skin had caught the sun.
I now have little flower-shaped, sunbaked marks all over my chest, belly, and thighs. I look wild!
Yes, it is. I get to go on my bike, run around, play soccer in my backyard, and even go on my scooter. In winter, it's too cold to go outside. Plus, I hate cloudy and rainy days. I like sunny days. They are more nostalgic to me than winter days. But I like snow, though it does not snow where I live.
Yeah, me too. I don't like school, but a thing I do like is to go and relax outside in summer.
I agree. You get to go to the beach or mountains, and the roads are safe. In winter, those places might have snow, making it dangerous to drive on, and you can't go there.
I agree. There are way more things to do, like swim, go to the beach, play volleyball, and much more. Summer beats winter by a long shot.
I can have fun at the beach!
The Newcomers
Ice cream is better in the summer than in the winter.
I like ice cream! You scream! We all scream for ice cream!
Ice cream! Heck yeah! My favorite ice cream flavor, by the way, is Oreo Cookies and Cream. Though I am more of a fan of savory and spicy food than sweet, I am a huge chocolate fan. I want everything to be chocolate-flavored.
Me too, because in winter you can get frostbite.
Winter and fall are the seasons where people get sick most.
Most only suffer from mild allergies in summer.
Is it just me, or does winter seem to be the time of year when you almost always feel somewhat sick?
One example is doing things that you can't do in winter.
It makes my skin darker, which is fun because I can swim a lot more.
My birthday is not in the summer. My birthday is in November, in the autumn. On my birthday, I skip school, and I don't care if it's a weekday.
This is the only thing I like about summer (besides summer vacation). Other than that, summer can go jump off a cliff.
Summer is awesome. Summer is like having a two-month birthday, even if your birthday isn't in the summer! That's how fun I think summer is!
Summer is a more adequate way to enjoy the sports you love.

I hate snow. It is one of the worst things in my life. The only good thing about winter is Christmas. Other than that, winter is just a horrible season. Winter is not my thing, and I dislike the change of seasons. Too bad my birthday is in the winter. I wish I was born in Florida and not New Jersey.
In winter, it's too cold outside to not wear a coat, and inside it's as hot as hell.