Worst Things About Auto-Flushing Toilets

Generally, auto-flushing toilets are the ideal update for a public restroom. With auto-flushing toilets, nobody has to touch germy handles, walk into a stall with an unflushed toilet, or deal with broken handles. However, there are some drawbacks to auto-flushing toilets.

If you disagree anything listed below, then that is okay with me. I know that there are solutions to those problems (like putting a post-it notes on the sensor or pressing the button if it has one). I am pointing out the disadvantages to automated toilets, but I am not saying there are no solutions. None of these apply to all auto-flushing toilets, but these apply to the vast majority of auto-flushing toilets. Some of these might apply to manual-flushing toilets as well.

I am sorry if you think this list is a terrible list. I try my best to make valid lists regardless of if you believe me or not.
The Top Ten
1 They flush before you're completely finished doing your business

I hate the auto flush toilets, and urinals, 'cause it auto-flushes when I am not done using them yet. They are frustrating, wasteful, and stupid. But the zurn auto flushes are the worst, they like to waste water the most. So water saving toilets will be a better option for you, because they save water, and we need water

Sometimes it flushes mid-use, other times after you just sat down, or before you even get to sit down. It rarely flushes after the users stood up and were finished with their business.

It's funny how many people suggest that keeping your penis away from the sensor solves the problem because I don't have a penis.

2 They waste water because of their so-called "phantom flushing"

In 2010, researchers studied the amount of water used via toilet in an office building. With manual-flushing toilets, the average daily water use in that building was 807 gallons. Once auto-flushing toilets were installed, that water use increased to 1,243 gallons per day. That is an increase of 54%! Researchers convinced that the increase might be because of phantom flushing, or flushing when it's not supposed to.

3 They do not flush when you want them to flush

You'll be lucky if a button was there.

4 Dirty water splashes onto your bottom if they flush while you're sitting

Yeah I know, it hate it when all that dirty water with bacteria goes up my anus, this can even happen to manual toilets too.

Whenever I use an auto-flush toilet, I try not to move if I can so that it does not trigger the sensor and flush while I am sitting on it, which gets my butt wet and the water is usually dirty

That is especially terrible if it flushes mid-use.

5 Some children are scared of them

When I was a child, I was so scared of them that I thought every toilet was auto-flush even if it was not.

When I was little my all-time fear was automatic toilets.

I am still scared of automatic toilets, 'cause in 2018, I went to Pedia Plex in Southlake, and the sound was so loud, which scared me.

6 You can't inspect the color of your urine to see how hydrated you are

I don't necessarily like doing it, but some people do.

The darker your urine is, the less hydrated you are.

7 They flush really loudly

This can apply to manual-flushing toilets as well.

Yeah I remember it being loud and I used to be scared of loud toilets

8 You cannot stand up to wipe

Some people stand up to wipe their bottoms before flushing. Since most automated toilets flush before you're even done, you do not have a chance to stand up before you wipe. I am not a stand-up wiper, but a lot of people are.

9 People are not that lazy

I mean most people are not too lazy to flush a toilet.

10 Some people cannot figure out how to flush them
The Contenders
11 There is no way to manually flush them if the electronics break
12 If you accidentally drop something in it, then it might be flushed away forever

That would be the worst to lose something in an auto flush toilet

13 They are unpredictable
14 They flush more than once

Yeah I hate them too 'cause at church they replaced the handles with the automatic flush for both the toilets and urinals. So when I was finished using the automatic urinal, I flushed it, then it flushed again AFTER I flushed it, waste of water

Yeah I hate them 'cause at church they replaced the the handles with the automatic flush for both the toilets and urinals in early 2022. So when I was done using it, I flushed it, then it flushed again AFTER I flushed it, waste of water

Yeah I hate these too 'cause at church they replaced the handles with the automatic flush in early 2022, so when I manually flushed them, they auto flushed again AFTER I flushed it, waste of water.

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