Top Ten Worst Times to Poo

One of them happened to me once, but I’m not sayin’!
The items in this list have been selected by the author of the list for you to vote and comment on.
The Top Ten
1 In School

When I was in 6th grade, this happened during music class:

Me: (randomly gets crazy stomach cramps that won't go away) Can I use the restroom?

Teacher: No.

Me: but my stomach is hurting really bad!

Teacher: I said NO! You're disrupting the class! >:(

2 While Eating Dinner

I pooped in my diaper while I was eating my dinner when I was 2 years old

3 In School Graduation
4 In A Swimming Pool

This one is bad

5 While On The News
6 In The Middle Of An Exam
7 In A Long Line
8 When Someone’s Watching
9 While Meeting The Queen
10 While Being Executed

Happened to me...