TheTopTens TV - Season 1 Episode 1a - The First Union

Puga The episode begins in what seems to be a caveman time. A man with no clothes except a leaf that covers his privates and a beard stretching down to his belly button sits down on a log. He has gone days without eating and is about to die when suddenly he sees a shining light out of a cave that gave him the strength to walk up and investigate what the light was. The orb lead him to the most beautiful thing he had ever later his eyes on. The orb had lead him yo heaven. Or so he thought.

???: I'm Heather. What's your name?
???: Me no have name. Parent abandon.
Heather: I'll name you admin!
Admin: Had-min?
Heather: it's perfect. Here, I'm roasting a bear.
And so the two had the bear to eat for the next two weeks. And then one night (censored sign pops up) they did "things" and nine months later they had a baby.
Heather: Let's call it "MatrixGuy"
Admin: I love it.
They carved a house out of a rock for MatrixGuy. And that's when they rented the cave. They named the cave "Dedopda" which morphed into "TheThopThas" which morphed into "TheTopTens" MatrixGuy grew up. And his 200,000 siblings followed. So many generations. The Heather era, MatrixGuy era, Alexandr era, Britgirl era...and then this mad science guy named PositronWildhawk came and built the cave into a city. And the city had lots of spare houses, filled in by folks none other than Kitetetsunu, HezarioSeth (wanted alive or dead) SuperHyperman (who legally changed his name) and then in the middle of 2014 there was too many to count. Admin closed his book.
Admin: and that's what brings us all here today! All children, adults, dogs and boxes. Right here! Well, not exactly all, because everyone who has had their account locked must leave now.
(Puga leans over to Pug)
Puga: sorry, ghost.
(Puga kicks Pug off his chair)
Admin: so what did you think of the story?
SelfDestruct: almost as bad as Jackie Evancho's singing.
PositronWildhawk: some way to start a show...
Funnyuser: we're on TV??? HI MOM, DAD AND MY PET BURRITO!!!
PositronWildhawk: oh calm down, it's not like the show's good anyway.......
Britgirl: don't be a pessimist. She's only a kid, you can't blame her, and after all, we ARE on TV....AND WILL YOU GET YOUR CAMERA AWAY FROM MY SOUP!!!
Keyson: I don't think its a cameraman. Allow me. LEAVE HER ALONE BRITBOY!!!
Admin: and now we are gonna have an awards ceremony!!!
Admin: ....for the next 24 hours!!
All: BOOOOOOO!!!!!
Admin: and you're not even nominated!!!!
Puga: Time for me to lick my balls for the next 24 hours. Excuse me.
23 hours and 59 mins later:
And Alexandr wins his 382nd award tonight...and the 382nd award of the whole cermony....and the last award of the night. Seeya. Oh and Puga, you're cleaning that chair.
Puga: Darnit.
Letdot52: I'll clean it. You go home, I've prepared a big bowl of treats for you.
Puga: Ha-ha!! Human has responsibilities!
(Puga sprints out door)
Letdot52: So how'd the chair get wet anyway?
Heather: someone was licking something. All you need to know. Good night.
(Episode ends with letdot52 sighing)


Nice! What's the second? - Turkeyasylum

Where am I? - Garythesnail

:D I really like these. Good writing Puga. We love these, keep them up - EvilAngel

Y you NO INCLUDE ME? - DapperPickle

You weren't on the site yet... - visitor

This is one of my older,stupider,I have no idea what to doer comments. - DapperPickle

People! They aren't going to have all of us! Stop complaining! But why wasn't I in it! - RalphBob

Hypocrite - jmepa1234

Nice! - bobbythebrony