TheTopTens TV - Season 1 Episode 2b - TheTopTens in Split

Puga The episode begins with Admin in his office when he gets a phone call. It's from his boss, Mr. Google.
Google: is this Admin of TheTopTens?
Admin: yes.
Google: may I speak to you about something?
Admin: what?
Google: money. I'm noticing that your site has been declining in quality. Trolls, lists-it's not good enough. No quality equals no money. No money means you're worthless. You're becoming rusty Admin. You've had too much time. There are other websites waiting to shine, you need to do something big or else your time is up.
Admin: how so? How can I decide who comes into my town? Hello? Hellooooo? Ack.
Admin turns on his intercom.
Admin: May Heather and Finch report to my office please?

A week later all active TopTenners went down to the List Hall. Admin held a sickening meeting.
Admin: due to financial issues, TheTopTens has been split in two sides. If your username begins with a letter from A-M, go to the left. If your username beings with a letter from N-Z, go to the right.
(Ten minutes later)
Admin: is everyone in their assignees groups?
All: Yes.
Admin: great. We've placed an indestructible wall in the middle of the park so no one will escape. Welcome to your new lives.

The next morning in the left group....
Britgirl: I can't believe admin pulled such a rotten move.
Keyson: I know. What were his "financial issues?"
Kitetetsunu: sounds a bit fishy to me.
Letdot52: how can I live without my doggy?
ArchAces: enough complaining guys. Although we don't have them, they don't have us either.
CerealGuy: ugh. So boring.
Andre56: at least we still have my beautiful face!
CoolCat999: not you!
Andre56: why do you hate me, Jealous McJealous Pants?
ArchAces: can everyone just shut up and accept the facts?
Funnyuser: I can't believe that Positron's gone.
Britgirl: nobody can.

And at the other camp:
Puga: well this is awful.
Turkeyasylum: I can't believe Britgirl has been separated from us.
Pos: such a legend. I'd rather retire than be here.
SelfDestruct: feel free to retire.
Turkeyasylum: oh, this again.
SuperHyperdude: no need to remind me.
Simpsondude: this feels like Total Drama TopTens. Only worse.
SevenLizards: definitely.
Wolftail: why would admin do this?
Pos: "financial issues"
PetSounds: enough of the chatter, what's for dinner?
Puga: there's a fridge over there!
Turkeyasylum: a sticky note?
Nintendofan126: it says "hunt for food"
Pos: just when it can't get worse.
Puga: it's like we need....
That little bit of shine,
Pos: to make this website fine,
SevenLizards: it was already great,
Wolftail: but now that's up for debate
PetSounds: looks like the end of its time.

Username34: we have lost half our friends,
Wolftail: the insults never seems to end,
All: admin scrapped history
To put us in misery
Something on which, we cannot depend.

All: we're busting out.

The next morning, the first camp did their regular morning routine but the second prepared for their heist. After trying to break the wall, hammer the wall, and even knock it down with a truck, the wall was indeed indestructible.
Pos: we're going over the wall. Push the fridge out so one could climb on top of it.
PetSounds: look at that tree!
Turkeyasylum: it's humongous.
Pos: chop it down and put it on the fridge.
Wolftail: get all those chairs and carry them with you.
Instructions after instruction came. But 12 hours had gone by and they were nowhere near half. They needed to get sleep, but if they did their progress would be ruined. They needed more help, when suddenly a shout was heard from below.
Britgirl: get some sleep!
Pos: Britgirl? How'd you get here?
Britgirl: that hole.
Pos: you went under the wall? Where's the hole come from?
Puga: my paws.
All: oooooohhh!!!!
Keyson: so should we make an angry mob?
After a sleep, all the members gave admin a taste of their medicine, won the Google battle, and everything got back to normal.


Awesome! - Animefan12