Biggest Problems With Metalheads

It depends on the album. For example, I find One More Light by Linkin Park tolerable, but I cannot listen to Amo by BMTH. Also, I love Leprous' change of sound as well as Ulver's.
Some bands do great, some bands don't. But let's give them a chance!
Let the bands do whatever they want!

In metal or in general? Right now, I'm listening to a LOTR soundtrack. Up next is Acid Witch, then Bing Crosby, then Howlin' Wolf, then...
I have explored almost all genres in existence, including Cajun and Chanson, but metal was the best. And I became a metalhead.
I also listen to synthwave, soul, old rap, new wave, blues, disco, and funk. I also enjoy some classical, punk, jazz, ambient, pop, and Latin music (not the crappy reggaeton).

I like melodic metal bands like Eterne, Daeonia, Secret Discovery, Spine Wrench, and Dream Theater. I like other genres too, but I don't categorize myself as a metalhead.
This is the problem with symphonic metal haters. Just because you can't mosh to it doesn't mean it sucks.
Untrue. My favorite bands aren't so heavy, but I listen to a lot of very heavy bands.

Yes, there are metalheads on this site who view the whole music industry from their closed-minded bubble, only listening to metal.

Metal elitists can be mean if they see you wearing a metal, deathcore, or nu-metal shirt while you're talking to them.
The average metal fan or metalhead doesn't care what kind of music you like. They can be just as supportive as anyone else.
Anyanans' comment is complete trash and is exactly what I think about metal.
I have noticed one thing: people generalize this. When they learn about your music preference, they judge you solely by that. Maybe that's why people, especially here, are friends with others who have similar music tastes.

Underground bands are actually great! The only problem is we don't really have time to look for them.

The Newcomers
What's the point of this? It's total nonsense.
This isn't a problem with metalheads. I believe this is a good thing, and I pretty much agree that "more obscure bands are better than more popular."
I think this because it gives you more room to explore. If everything was popular, it would all start to sound alike.

I don't like country because it's just bland to me. I like some soft rock songs.

No, it's not mainstream because of the Millennial generation and the fact that pop and rap are what they like the most. The music industry is also collapsing in on itself.
There's nothing wrong with every genre being mainstream.
Maybe the real reason metal has never been mainstream is because of biblical fanatics.
The genre would be mainstream if they stopped acting superior.

I am not the typical fan who hates pop and rap. I just need to find the right artists.

Metal is already great in itself, but sometimes black metal gets on my nerves. I don't blame the artists for their music, but I blame some for the church burnings.
That's a big problem. They hate metalcore, nu-metal, glam metal, and even power metal. It's fine if you don't like them, but calling them fake metal is just wrong.
Dumb reason. Why are you a metalhead and do you bash metal subgenres? Makes no sense at all.

"Death metal is better than black metal! Doom is too slow! Metalcore and deathcore are stupid! Nu metal isn't metal!" That's what happens.
Well, that is pretty much true. Bands do NOT save lives. You save your life.

That's sort of like saying that all doom metal bands have to sing, when doom metal gives you pretty much vocal freedom.
What? That's not true at all. I don't understand why others think that metalheads are crazy. I don't care, not at all.
This person who put this here clearly never listens to metal, or power metal (metalheads know what I mean by that).
I don't hate everything. I enjoy my life. However, I do hate Nicki Minaj, Brussels sprouts, Fortnite, and country music (because it was never my thing).

What's bad about metal mixed with electronic beats?