Top 10 Best Mob Movies of All Time

The Top Ten
The Godfather

This is not just the best mafia movie of all time. In my opinion, it is the best movie in any genre of all time. Brando, Pacino, Caan, Duvall - not to mention written by Puzo and directed by Coppola.

Best movie ever, but I think Scarface should be 2nd, not Goodfellas.

My 4th favorite movie of all time.


I love The Godfather, but this has got to be my #1 mob movie. The acting was flawless, and this movie probably best portrayed what the mob was really like back then.

Best mob movie with the best performance ever by Joe Pesci! That's right, even better than Heath Ledger's Joker performance!

The acting in this movie is some of the best I've ever seen!

The Departed

The only mob film that deserves a 10/10.

Once Upon a Time in America

Hands down, both the best mob movie and one of the best movies of all time. Also, an excellent soundtrack.

The Godfather Part II

Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is the longest mob movie of all time. It's over 200 minutes. But that's a good thing because it's so good. Not quite up to par with the first one, though.

Better than the first one. I believe it has a better plot, better acting, and the mix of De Niro and Pacino is completely remarkable.

Not as good as the first one, but still fantastic.

Donnie Brasco

Pacino's performance in this is often overlooked among his other great portrayals, but it's equally superb.

The Untouchables
Mean Streets

The Newcomers

? Shark Tale
? Carlito's Way
The Contenders
The Godfather Part III
L.A. Confidential
Gangs of New York
Pulp Fiction
A Bronx Tale
Road to Perdition
American Hustle

Should be in 4th place behind Goodfellas at 1, The Godfather (original) at 2, and Scarface at 3! I think The Departed is my 5th pick. Casino is an honorable mention.

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