Top 10 Best Transformers Movies

Of course this Transformers movie is the best and ranked number one because it has way better realism.
This movie is good. I watched it today.
Best Transformers movie ever!

My favorite Transformers movie. It's like the first one, but this one caught my attention more.
Great action, great special effects, cool villain, and aliens that kill people.
My favorite! All the movies are awesome, but this one rocks.

Even though many people hate this sequel, I consider it to be a great one!
This movie was good. I saw it in theaters.

Everybody make this #1.
The best one.

No idea how Dark of the Moon is above this. This movie took everything a Transformers fan wanted and put it into a movie. The deaths are sad, and some parts may feel like product placement, but it is still the best movie of them all with its funny sequences, cheesy '80s action, and awesome plot.
It is original!
This movie has so much awesome stuff in it, it's worth watching. I promise I won't spoil it for you, though.
One of the characters is a lot like Ironhide, so this movie was good in my opinion.
So emotional and just brilliant. Yes, this was a film when it was announced, before it got split into three episodes. I highly recommend watching it. I remember back in 2009 when this was announced - it was a big deal, and I was excited to watch it. This is probably the best movie I've seen for Transformers.

It was just as good as the series and is way better than the Bayverse movies.
Should be number one.

It might be a good or great movie?
Better than Age of Extinction.