Top 10 Best Romance Movies
These are the ones that send shivers down your spine and leave you smiling... ahhhh.
I watched this movie for the first time fairly recently (a few months ago) and I absolutely fell in love with it. I enjoyed the sort of forbidden romance between the two main characters, and how even in death they remain connected. It was very heartwarming to watch, and I catch it every time it's on TV.
This is one movie that touched my heart. Iconic direction, cast, stunning visuals, and the epic portrayal of a historic disaster set against the backdrop of a heart-rendering love story. Everything about it was perfect. I think this should be in the #1 spot. It really deserves it.

No words can fully explain this movie to me. All I can say is that it is based mostly on love, not looks. I promise anyone who watches this movie that there is a good chance you will feel something in your heart or you might cry. I give this movie a full 10 out of 10. It's the most amazing movie I have ever seen.
An elderly man reads a love story to his wife who has Alzheimer's. The story is about a poor young man that falls in love with a rich new girl whose parents don't approve. This is the sweetest movie ever.

Forrest Gump is one of the best movies I have ever watched. I fell in love with Tom Hanks all over again. Amazing. Superb!
Best ever movie. I cried a lot while watching the movie. It shows the innocence of love.
This movie is the best of Tom Hanks, in my point of view. In short, "Fabulous."

Gone With The Wind is a must-see. It may be a bit long, but you won't even realize by the ending how long it was because the plotline enraptures its viewers. This movie might not be a teen's priority since it was set in the 1930s. However, give it a try, you'll like it, adults as well.
How is this not number one! This movie is a classic. It won more awards than any of these, is the highest-grossing film, and the art in this movie is unexplainable. I love the love in the movie. A beautiful ending.

Someone to remember! Sometimes, it's hard to believe in love stories when the world seems to be crumbling around us. In those moments, we may lose faith in ourselves. But remember, God is watching. He sees your pain and your tears. When the right moment comes, all you have to do is open your heart and your soul, look up, and find the angel sent by God to wipe your tears and heal your broken heart. This is the truth behind this incredible love story. Just believe and open your heart to the symphony of love, and you won't regret it.

Not just the best romantic film - it may well be the best film of the last decade. Amazing performances by Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet. A once-in-a-lifetime script and brilliant execution make it standout. But most importantly, the movie feels so personal. "Blessed are the forgetful: for they get the better even of their blunders."
Not just the best romantic film. It may well be the best film of the last decade. Amazing performances by Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet. Once in a lifetime script and as brilliant an execution. But most importantly, the movie just feels so personal.

One of my favorite Jane Austen movies (the other favorite being Persuasion). I can watch this movie repeatedly when I'm in the mood for a good romantic story. The actors all performed their roles exceptionally well, and I enjoy the piano melody that was chosen. Of the various adaptations of this story, this particular film is my favorite.
I love the movie Pride and Prejudice, but not the version with Keira Knightley. Matthew McFadyen was phenomenal as Mr. Darcy. I wish I could say the same for Knightley.
Other movies that I find to be AMAZING:
- Sense and Sensibility (2008)
- North and South (2004, Elizabeth Gaskell's novel made into a TV mini-series)
- Pride and Prejudice (1995)
- Persuasion (2007)

The only reason I'm voting for this is because I always say this to her when we can't talk: "We'll always have tomorrow to talk," and I love saying that to her.
Easily one of the greatest romance movies, and people just forget about it now.
The Notebook is number 1? It's good, but it's not a masterpiece like Casablanca.

This is the best version of the most classic of all tales. This version has even more chemistry between the lead actors than the 1996 version. I am not afraid to say that it is one of my very favorite movies ever. Olivia Hussey is the best Juliet on screen ever. While I still enjoy the other versions of the play (1996 & 2013), this one wins hands down.
At first, this movie looked very weird and kind of funny, but then it kept getting better and better until I was wrapped up in the story. I didn't even notice how good it had gotten until I had to leave with about ten minutes left of the movie, and I really wanted to finish it.

The Newcomers

Am I reading this right? Twilight is ahead of this masterpiece, and Vertigo is absent?!

A new twist to the Cinderella story of love when at the end Julia Roberts's Vivian 'rescues' Richard Gere's Edward back. Just love the film, and Julia Roberts is a diva.
Can't believe a movie like "The Vow" is higher than this masterpiece!
I love this movie. It shows every woman deserves love. A must-watch movie.

I've seen all of the Step Up series, and this one is by far the best. You can really feel the bonds being formed in this movie. For someone who loves to watch romances, this is definitely one of my favorites. The love portrayed throughout the entire movie is fabulous, and the dancing is just as impressive.
It was a romantic movie from another perspective. The actors played their roles fabulously, making me believe in their feelings and emotions!
Okay, it wasn't the greatest romance movie ever, but it was a decent one. Great mix of drama, romance, and music. I love it.

I cried while watching this movie. Her short-term memory loss makes her forget everything she did after she wakes up the next day. Her family and friends do what they can to keep her happy, even though she will forget everything the next day.
It's such a romantic, touching, and hilarious story. Even someone who doesn't quite favor love movies, like me, can't help but be moved.
Very unconventional, totally heartbreaking at first, and heartwarming in the end. Highly recommended. One of my all-time favorites!

Well, for starters, this movie has Colin Firth and Hugh Grant in it, both of whom I love. This movie is a fun, love story comedy. I laughed out loud several times. I don't regret watching it, and neither will you, I promise. I will be adding this to my DVD arsenal soon!
Has a blend of several love stories, each one unique. Each of us can relate to at least one of the tales or appreciate them. Great movie to pull out when you are down and looking to enjoy some romance and humor.
How is this only #19? It should make the top 10. Hugh Grant's end speech and the beautiful storylines make it one of the best romance films of all time.

The Fault in Our Stars is the only movie that really makes me cry. The unforgettable dialogues resonate deeply, reflecting the struggles of cancer patients. This film reveals the pain of those battling cancer, illustrating that good things do not always happen to good people, which is a hard truth to accept.
I cry for Gus for losing his courage. I cry for Hazel because of Gus's pre-funeral, and I cry for those who cry seeing this movie. I highly recommend everyone see this film. It truly changed my views on love.

Really? I would've placed it at number 2 at least. One of my favorite romance movies ever. I strongly recommend it!
Amazingly beautiful love story that touches your heart deeply!
Beautiful, amazing, and a must-watch movie. I can't believe it is way down here. It definitely deserves to be in the top ten.

Sweet, cute, sad, funny. I love this movie. It is original, and I love Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
So sweet. Really touching but sad at the same time. Zooey Deschanel makes life so much better!
Should have won the Oscar in 2009. The best romantic comedy ever. Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel were amazing.

The only movie that can make me sob and laugh at the same time. Truly moving.
Nice film, I guess. A perfect combination of comedy and romance.

Well, duh. It's the must-see cheesy romantic movie of all time. Also, very quotable, hilarious, and fairly innocent.
This movie is romantic, humorous, and downright "inconceivable" (in a good way!).
This or The Notebook, but this tips it because it is funny as well!

I can't believe this isn't higher. Grease is a classic. Come on, it's worth a lot. It's so romantic, and Olivia Newton-John is gorgeous.
Very good movie, but not a romance movie in the strict sense. I consider this film as a musical.

My favorite Disney movie of all time!

This should be much higher. It perfectly captures the real experience of dating.