Worst Christian Films of All Time

Christians often struggle to make engaging, quality films, and the movies listed here are among the worst of the worst.
The Top Ten
1 C Me Dance (2009)

It's very rare that a film manages to do everything completely wrong, but C Me Dance does just that. With bad production values, a terrible story, abysmal acting, and an awful script containing some of the most laughable dialogue that I have ever heard in a movie, this movie makes Battlefield Earth look like Citizen Kane. The film has a well deserved 0% on Rotten Tomatoes, and The Huffington Post included the film in its article "The 9 Worst Movies Ever Made."

2 Harry Potter: Witchcraft Repackaged (2001)

These people believe that a work of fantasy is reality.

3 2012: Doomsday (2008)
4 Sunday School Musical (2008)

God please kill me

5 God's Not Dead (2014)

As a Christian I hate this movie. It paints Atheists as being selfish and cruel. Most if not all Atheists I've met are good people. It also shows Christian's as perfect people, WHICH WE ARE NOT.

The most offensive straw man movie ever!

6 Left Behind (2014)

The theme is just offensive and is not a good depiction of God because here it depicts him as a selfish God who will only choose a certain number of people for salvation, the rest? Doomed straight to hell! It's a good thing this was panned by the critics. I'm very sure Westboro would say this is the BEST MOVIE EVER because you already know.

7 Noah (2014)

A TERRIBLE depiction of Noah.

8 The Omega Code (1999)
9 Saving Christmas (2014)

Kirk Cameron's way of saying he's better than everyone else on earth just because he's a Christian.

I'm a Christian, but I absolutely hated this movie.

10 Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed (2008)

Are you kidding? This movie was great! Yes, it was a bit preachy, but it did make it's point pretty clear if you ask me.

The Contenders
11 Megiddo: The Omega Code 2 (2001)
12 The Passion of the Christ
13 I'm in Love with a Church Girl (2013)
14 Do You Believe? (2015)

I do believe. This is a bad film.

15 Last Ounce of Courage (2012)
16 Jesus Camp (2006)
17 Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie (2002)
18 The Shack

This movie is so bad and terrible, it even makes the It remake not so scary!

19 Apocalypse: Caught in the Eye of the Storm (1998)
20 God's Not Dead 2
21 666 (Beware: The End is at Hand)

I understand that Nollywood isn't Hollywood. But this Christian Horror film from Nigeria is insanely bad. The plot isn't well made either.

22 Dorbees: Making Decisions
23 Strawinsky and the Mysterious House
24 The Second Coming of Christ (2018)
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