Top 10 Worst Movie Remakes
Over the past two decades, remaking movies has really taken off. Thing is, some movies weren't made to be re-made. This is the top ten worst movie remakes.
This remake is absolutely no different from the original other than the fact that they used different actors and filmed it in color. They didn't even add anything new, clever, interesting, funny, or exciting to this movie.
It's just an uncreative, exact copy of the original. Disappointing, stupid, pathetic, and cheap.
All they did was re-shoot every single scene from the original Hitchcock film. Not to mention, some of the casting choices are laughable.
Vince Vaughn as Norman Bates. I shouldn't have to say more.

Just like someone else said, Godzilla is not supposed to be a lizard. He's supposed to be a gigantic dinosaur. This remake is literally just a Cliff's Notes version of the original movie, and the whole thing looks like it consists of re-used clips from Jurassic Park.
Yes, a very stupid movie. It has almost no connection to the Godzilla movies at all. The army is not supposed to kill the monster. This film should be ranked higher.
But what is The Thing doing here? That movie was great.

Put Nicolas Cage in any movie, and you already have it at least below 5/10. Remake a classic horror/thriller, and you lose another 5 points.
Why was this movie made?
What the hell are The Thing, House of Wax, and The Invasion doing here? These remakes are okay.
The Wicker Man is crap and should have topped this list!
This remake was a total waste of time. I liked the original much better.

Why do crappy remakes like this have to exist?!

Okay, I know a lot of people like this film, and it's not horrible, but it's certainly mediocre. A lot of the criticisms of the Gene Wilder film were that it strayed from the book - Roald Dahl hated it because of that - so Tim Burton decided to make his version closer to the source material. Coming from someone who read the book a few times in elementary school, a lot was still added or changed, and none of it was very good.
The visuals are nice, and most of the cast performs well, but the story felt forced in many parts. Also, Johnny Depp playing what felt like Michael Jackson as Willy Wonka was a poor decision. Come on, Tim, Johnny Depp doesn't need to be in all of your movies.

Tim Burton used to make great movies back in the '90s. Now all of his movies suck! Especially when he tries to reimagine stuff like he did with Alice in Wonderland or Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
I mean, couldn't he just come up with something original?
Tim Burton probably watched the original and thought, "Hey, it's just people dressed up as monkeys! That's all I need!"

This should be #1. It's horrible. Even the remakes of Halloween and Friday the 13th were better than this.
This remake is just pointless and boring from start to finish.
I actually really liked the Friday the 13th remake. I thought Platinum Dunes had potential until this excuse of a horror movie came out.
It was dull and boring rather than creepy, unlike the Friday the 13th remake.
This is one of the worst remakes ever. It's not surprising, though - remakes are rarely better than the originals.
And the original is WAY better than this.

Robin Williams can be funny, but in this movie, he was just annoying.

Who wrote this movie? A kindergarten class?
Absolutely awful in so many ways...
The Newcomers

Disney has been getting lazy recently. All they've been doing is making remakes and sequels for the past two years.

This movie is not that great, and Will Smith is so not Robin Williams.

This one scared me for the rest of my life.

Bad dog, no replicating the 1959 classic!

Why, oh why, did this remake turn out to be trashy? The '80s Footloose is better than this worthless junk!

This one was a mess.
Both sides were insane over this movie: you either hated it with a burning passion, or you worshipped it like the second coming of Christ. If a hater saw you liked it, you were an SJW, and if a fan saw you hated it, you were a misogynist. Nobody wins.
You couldn't even refuse to watch it! AVGN (James Rolfe) refused to watch it, stating non-political, legitimately respectful reasons, and Dane Cook (remember him?) got on his case about it. Yeah, because Dane Cook is such a priest of feminism anyway.

There is even The Karate Kid: The Series owned by YouTube. It should have been made for Netflix, not them.
For starters, it should be called The Kung-Fu Kid. Also, it's terrible.

I think it's bad... Too bad my brother doesn't.

Absolutely awful. Kate Beckinsale's character looked ridiculous and unrealistic. Sharon Stone had like 4-5 scenes in the original Total Recall movie, but she was 100x more impressive than Beckinsale.
This remake is forgettable. Jessica Biel wasn't good either.
Never took place on Mars, what the hell!

It's not a remake of the original Ms. Voorhees classic. It's more of a celebration of the first four films combined. I wasn't that crazy about the movie - it was way too generic.
Tell me, why does Jason have to get bigger and taller in every movie? Kane Hodder was the perfect fit, even though most of his movie plots sucked!

Beyond the first 30 minutes, which is god-awful, the rest is actually pretty good if you make it past the atrocious beginning that no one asked for.