Top 10 Most Annoying Types of Music Fans
Now everyone likes music but some people take their music way too seriously.I just recently stumbled across the term "rockism" and "poptimism." I think that reflects quite well what the problem with elitism in music is. I am closer to popular music, as most know, but I think individual styles of music shouldn't be ranked against each other as a whole genre, like "genre X" is worth more than "genre Y." They might work entirely differently.
The metal community is infamous for its "elitists." These are people that have strict guidelines on what qualifies as metal. If it has a certain distance from their liking, it's not metal.
Most of the pop artists are very professionally produced and written and usually give a solid performance. That would be an average rating from me. Now, we can add plus or minus points for what they achieved on top of that (which will most often be powerful delivery, a climactic buildup, good lyrics, or an earworm chorus) or where they failed to deliver something that they should have to be enjoyable, respectively. That's how you should rate pop music.
2013: K-pop deserves more attention, it's a great genre.
2019: Ugh, K-pop is overrated and too popular, listen to better artists.
At least state reasons other than "it's too mainstream."
Not really a problem like it was a decade ago, but some kids on the Internet claim they were "born in the wrong generation" and that they are so cool for listening to Queen and/or the Beatles. When this trend emerged, they had the audacity to compare those bands to the poster boy of "bad music," Justin Bieber.
I'll admit: a lot of the music I listen to happens to be '90s-2000s hard rock, and I love to diss modern pop, but I acknowledge that good music is still being made in some quantity.
This is just part of getting old. This is how you know when you're an adult: the newer music starts to sound lame to you. It isn't because all of a sudden music has gotten worse than when you were a kid. When you're a kid, pretty much anything sounds good as long as it is popular with the other kids or the kids you are friends with or want to be friends with. When you're a kid, it isn't about whether music is good or not.
Every generation had its terrible music. In fact, most of the music from every generation sucked. Every generation has its artist that was pretty popular but quickly disappeared into obscurity once that generation got over it. This only leaves the really good bands from each generation still being known. Once we get into this generation, both the good artists and the terrible artists are popular. The terrible artists will fall into obscurity, leaving only the good stuff from that generation, and the cycle continues over and over again until music no longer exists.
This site is starting to become a hostile environment for pop fans.

Like all movements, the hipster mentality of not celebrating everything mainstream (which, when hipster started, was loud, overwhelming, and action-packed) being automatically good was fine in the beginning. Personally, I think the Austrian hipsters were a bit cooler than the German or American ones because they embraced a combination of different aesthetics and styles, both musically and visually. I knew one hipster who wore lederhosen with punk piercings, wild hair, and vintage accessories.
However, the image most of them have now is the same as with punk, grunge, rave, emo, and all the other movements: too many people jumped on the bandwagon for all the wrong reasons. It's okay if many people are part of a movement if they truly identify with it, but not just because it's the trend.
To be fair, music, movies, etc. do save people's lives all the time. The world can feel pointless at times, and for some, the only reason to continue living is not being able to watch that movie they are anticipating, not being able to experience that new video game, or not being able to finish their favorite YouTube channel's Let's Play. Just think about how much excitement you get when you see your favorite YouTuber upload a new video or when you hear your favorite artist is putting out a new album. It is those moments that take your mind off the bleakness that life can bring when you're not distracting yourself with friends, adventures, or media.
It is the small things that keep people wanting to live. Sure, it might be annoying hearing someone say that a certain thing saved their life because it has become so cliché, but it doesn't change the fact that it can be true.
Very annoying. A person can like a handful of an artist's songs and still be a fan of the artist. A person doesn't have to like nearly all of the band's albums to be a fan.

Very similar to number 1. Some are okay as long as they don't keep mentioning how My Chemical Romance, Bring Me The Horizon, or Twenty One Pilots "saved their life."
When I say "deep," it's usually in relation to the genre's or the artist's other work. Truly deep is something that gives insight into a complex character, situation, or emotion.
That's hipsters in a nutshell when they talk about their favorite artists that no one else knows about.
Now, I admit I can do this a bit, but even I know it can be annoying. Especially when something isn't deep at all.
A lot of the songs I like are meaningful but not exactly "deep."
Pretty self-explanatory. I wonder why it wasn't here before.
The Newcomers
For example, people who claim Metallica aren't heavy metal but thrash metal and think heavy metal isn't the same as other metal subgenres.
Heavy metal refers to metal as a whole. Subgenres like death metal can still be categorized as heavy metal. "Metal" means the same as "heavy metal" and is not any different.

Those who would want to kill you with ling chi every time you have an opinion on BTS or some boy band. Not to mention most of the time their actions are extremely immature, such as thinking (insert K-pop star) is their husband.
One song: Serge and Charlotte Gainsbourg - Lemon Incest.
Another kind of scaring, but still a classic of European art music that may make you feel deeply uncomfortable.
To be fair, they are technically correct. A lot of deeply religious people do get scared by emo and gothic music, from their belief that they may get possessed from the music. This might sound really silly to your average person, but there is actually music that is scary. It is just that it is extremely rare and wouldn't be very popular or heard by a ton of people.
Always acknowledge impact. That, however, does not mean you have to like it. Respect what an artist, an album, a song, or a soundtrack contributed to the music landscape, even if you don't really like it at all. These are two different things.
I haven't seen this much, but it can be annoying. I mean, I of course prefer more modern music, but I still like Pink Floyd, Mozart, Tupac (Hell, Tupac is among my favorites), The Beatles, etc.
This is why a classic song cannot really be compared to a more modern one. For more modern songs, the impact can't be known.
I'll admit, when I wasn't used to screaming in metal music, I didn't like it. But by listening to more metal bands and songs, I got used to the screaming vocals, even though some screaming sounds forced.
It's annoying, though, that some people think all metal songs contain screaming vocals when plenty of metal songs don't even have screaming vocals. It's not all about death metal, black metal, and metalcore.

I've seen people flip out on someone because they didn't like the Beatles and stated stuff like, "you're not human," "you don't have a life," "you don't know real music," yada, yada, yada.

This is understandable. People become accustomed to a band's music and go to that band for that type of music. To change styles feels like a betrayal to the fans.
It is like watching your favorite YouTuber for three years, only to notice they want to go in a different direction with their channel. A lot of people will have resentment toward the YouTuber, while others will be supportive and follow them through the change. Some will just ignore the YouTuber and tune in if they make a video similar to their old channel.
I personally like older music (80s and back, like really far back) but people always say, "well you're stupid because you don't like Rihanna or X or..." you get the point. Also, I am not one of the "I was born in the wrong generation" kids.
People who act like Rapper Psy did "nothing wrong" in his "Gangnam Style" video, even though the video shows the rapper making little boys shove their faces into his crotch. Ewww! And these are the very same people who think Bieber should die just because he spit on someone.
Such as Korean stars Seungri and JJY, despite what they did to these women.
This can be simply done by saying, This band is my favorite band. That way, no one can correct you for calling Motörhead metal even though they are punk.
This is a double-edged sword issue. On the one hand, nobody likes to be told they're wrong, but on the other hand, metal fans don't want to see Justin Bieber on the best/worst metal bands lists or the Beatles on the best metal band lists.
Back when some visitor on this site claimed that "Slipknot is metal," it immediately triggered a lot of metalheads who ended up bashing him to death.
These people absolutely ruin movies, music, and/or a game for you. Whenever you elevate a piece of work, you're eventually going to bring up the expectation for it so high that it just can't live up to it.
This is quite a horrible attitude. You can have preferences, even dislike a genre, but why are people always so extremely judgmental when it comes to genres they are not into and put it up as a fact that it's worse? It isn't. It's just a style that doesn't appeal to you.
Very annoying. Rap, country, metal, pop, rock, and techno are all different music focused on different types of people. You may not like it for specific reasons, but you can't say it is worse than the music you like because it isn't catered to your musical taste.
I see this way too much, especially on YouTube, and it really makes me angry.
It's like people don't even care about the music - they just focus on insulting someone they have never met before. That also includes attacking the fans of those artists as well.
As much as I hate the word "poser," the word "elitist" can get annoying too. If someone were to give legitimate reasons why nu/core/industrial is not real metal, spurring "elitist" on them will not help.