Top Ten Best Dethklok Songs

The Top Ten

The most pulse-pounding song in my opinion and one of the only songs to touch on Nathan Explosion's ethnicity. Also, those drums.

The drums are epic, and along with the guitars, the song just has this atmosphere to it. Also, the music video kicks ass.

Drums are epic. And accompanied by the guitar riffs, it creates the perfect hardcore atmosphere.


No lyrics and/or riffs here are lower than awesome. I personally think this awesome song is better than its sequel. The solo collaborates with the backing instruments beautifully, too. I really love the bridge/pre-chorus part that sings "MURDER, MURDER, MERMAID, MURDER!"

I'm a pretty new listener to Dethklok, so I'd really want to know what is the correlation between Dethklok/Metalocalypse and baseball.

This should definitely be in the top five. It has a great beat and really projects the Dethklok atmosphere of comedy and serious death metal that I think the band is aiming for. Not to mention the great chanting toward the end that really makes you get into the song.


Thunderhorse is definitely Dethklok's best song. Although the band has many other kick-ass songs, this one tops the list. The guitar riffs within the song are awesome. I especially like the way the riffs are synchronized with one another. The vocal and instrumental pieces also add to one another, rather than overpower the song.

Normally, a song gets killed by Guitar Hero, yet this one survived and still burns brightly!

Murmaider II: The Water God

Being a Dethklok song, you know the instruments are going to be amazing and the lyrics deliciously cheesy. Not only does this song have deliciously metal cheesy goodness, but if you listen to the lyrics, behind all that is a powerful message that meshes with the atmosphere of the song perfectly. Not only is it a phenomenal song, but it pushes the boundaries of what Dethklok is capable of.

There are no alternatives to this. Murmaider II is just the best song that Dethklok has ever written. Brilliant lyrics, and the riff is literally orgasmic.


"I will dig myself out of this coffin! I will dig myself out of the earth! I will bathe my body in a pool of blood! I will drink the liquid and I WILL BE REBORN!"

Makes me want to kick ass and chew bubblegum. Absolutely wonderful song, one of my favorites among Biological Warfare and Black Fire Upon Us.

One of the best intros ever, and Pickles can play it even when he's dead drunk!

Black Fire Upon Us

This is one of Dethklok's best songs, no doubt. I am a big fan of Dethklok, and I assure you there are few songs better than this.

The intro is awesome. It starts with a very good sound and a great melody to set the rhythm for the rest of the song.

Then, the drums give power to the song... And: Tonight we ride on clouds of FIRE! The epic lyrics start.

After that, Skwisgaar's solo is perfect: it has an amazing aura that emits pure epicness. A perfectly performed picking leads to the best sweep picking done by Brendon Small.

When the final part of the song arrives, with the same guitar solo in the background of pure epicness by Toki while the dragons fly over the skies...

Then, the song closes like the beginning.

I Tamper with the Evidence at the Murder Site of Odin
Laser Cannon Deth Sentence

How is Laser Cannon Death Sentence not in the top three?!?! You don't even have to hear the song to know it's epic! Just read the name "Laser Cannon Death Sentence." Even the name is awesome!

Perfection. Just the name alone is pure amazement. Then you hear it and you're just like, "Man, I need a laser."

If you can find a better song by Dethklok about gory death, please enlighten me.


Crazy melodic! Awaken really shows off the flexibility of Dethklok's sound, with an epic riff made incredible by dueling guitars and flares of insane speed on the solos.

I like how this song reminds me exactly of the Metalocalypse episode and makes me remember it in perfect clarity. Not the best song, but the best episode tie-in for sure.

This song really makes me want to start fighting!

The Newcomers

? Face Fisted
? Dethsupport
The Contenders

This song has hilarious lyrics. I didn't realize it was about doing taxes for a long time.

Insane blend of guitar and orchestra. They sound so good together!

I hear them every day, and the songs give you energy and make you feel badass. Brutal.


Badass song. Top 3 from Dethklok for me.

I Ejaculate Fire

Tied for best video with Murmaider and definitely a far better song. Its comedic and badass quality is not to be doubted. Seriously, it needs to be in the top 5 at least.

It is a powerful song, there is no doubt about that. It is fast, has great lyrics, and the music video is just awesome.

How is this not the top song? The guitar is mind-blowing in this song!

The Gears

I'm shocked it's not in the top 10. Positions 5-10 I would understand...

Go Forth and Die

Awesome song, definitely my favorite. Love the lyrics and how I can really relate to them.

The song with the most powerful lyrics in my opinion. It is hard to choose between many of the brilliant songs, but this one just beats Bloodlines, which is directly my second favorite song.

The Galaxy

Great guitar riffs. Sounds like something in a space exploration movie!

Great riff, great atmosphere. Easily my favorite Dethklok song.

So epic! Definitely one of the best songs ever!

The Cyborg Slayers
Crush the Industry

The simplest riff in the world, and it just lights my face on fire. When I'm in hell, I hope this is the soundtrack so I can bang my head forevermore.

Yes, this song. The way the drums and guitars work together beats out a lot of other Dethklok songs. I'd understand bottom 5, but not top ten?

Jesus Christ, this song is intense! It blows me away more every time I listen to it! This song should really be in the top ten!

Go Into the Water

From start to finish it just kicks ass. It hits hard, has amazing riffs, and the vocals tell an interesting tale. Maybe a foreshadowing of what's to come? Laugh out loud.

The riffs are absolutely orgasmic! Dethklok's best song, period.

This is probably my favorite song from Dethklok because it's just so amazing. This song actually got me into the band, and after I learned how to play it, I was hooked. Not to mention it is similar on the guitar to a lot of Awaken. I LOVE THIS SONG. DIE FOR DETHKLOK.

Crush My Battle Opponent's Balls

Why is this at 16? It should definitely be in the top ten or at least the top 15! This song is amazing, a perfect example of what Brendon Small can really do as a guitarist!

The Lost Vikings

The darkened souls of my tortured ancestors attacked me in a dream and demanded that I spread the word to the living that a group of Puritans have failed them by letting this song drop to #20, and they weep for eternity.

This one is proper Viking Metal! Love the riffs and the double bass!


Similar thing going on in the background as Gangsta's Paradise by Coolio, just faster.

Impeach God
Murdertrain a Comin'
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