Top 10 Best Machine Head Songs
Machine Head's discography is stacked with thrashing anthems, crushing grooves, and the occasional hauntingly beautiful ballad. The sheer intensity of their live shows is the stuff of legend. Now's your chance to have a say in their ultimate playlist.What are the best Machine Head songs? Should it be an adrenaline-soaked thrasher from their early years? A complex epic from a later album? There are seriously no wrong answers. It's time to dig into those mosh-pit memories and the songs that get stuck in your head for days.

Best modern metal song ever! I'm Christian, and I totally agree with this song - religion sucks! Instrumentally and lyrically, it's one of the best songs I have ever heard, along with some Trivium and Metallica songs.
Someone said that "Locust" is the "Master of Puppets" of this generation. So, "Halo" is the "Holy Wars" of this generation.
Awesome, just A-W-E-S-O-M-E. Especially the melodious chorus - it just blows you away. The best thrash metal song ever.

Locust was great too, but I don't even know if it's in the top 10 of Machine Head songs. Every single song on The Blackening was much better in my opinion. Then there are also kickass songs like Davidian, Old, and Imperium, just to name the most noteworthy ones.
Nu-metal phase aside, Unto the Locust is their worst album, although still very good. Machine Head is absolutely amazing.
I like the death metal-esque sound of this song. It's like a cross between thrash metal and death metal, which are already closely linked. Many people say Halo is their best song. I disagree. This song is heavy, brutal, and melodic as hell.

This album was a big turning point. I've been listening to these guys since 1997, the first time I saw them. This record pleases from beginning to end. Adding Phil Demmel was monumental. Is it any surprise that he is a huge Randy Rhoads fan? Also, if you remember, at that time, soloing was scarce for all bands.
This song has no solo, but it doesn't need it. The rest of the album has great solos. Everybody likes Lamb of God, Slipknot, etc. They are great, but let's remember who was writing these nasty riffs first!
A very cool clean intro that converts itself into massive riffs. Heavy, fast, groovy, etc. This is the perfect summary of groove metal. A perfect summary of MACHINE HEAD.

My favorite MH song! It sums up everything about MH into one fantastic album closer. But I also think Beautiful Mourning should be in the top 10 and Now I Lay Thee Down should be much higher! And Blood, Sweat, Tears too!
Perfect! Just perfect! Great vocals, super melody, and awesome guitar and drums, with smooth bass. This song is what made me get into Machine Head.

The first song of their first album, and it's making the earth shake! Even 15 years later, that song still rules. MH brought heavy metal back to life after grunge arose, and this album summarizes why metal is part of our life.
"Let freedom ring with a shotgun blast!"
This song hits you right in the face! The first Machine Head song I heard, and it made me an instant fan. Heavy metal at its very best!
First song I heard, grabbed me by the ass and threw me against the wall. Unbeatable.

I didn't think Machine Head could top themselves, but they did it with this track. Love the aggressive ferocity! Machine Head forever!
Wow, this is the heaviest song they ever made! Awesome acoustic solo, awesome vocals - this is all a fan needs to have a great time listening to Machine Head with friends!
One of the first songs by them I listened to. When the "I am Hell" portion of this sonata came on, I became an instant fan.

This is my favorite song. Period. Of every band, every genre, and every piece of music that has crossed my ears, no song has ever been as important to me as this one.
We build cathedrals to our pain.
This song has some of the most amazing build-up of any song that I've heard. It's an excellent blend of musical styles, and its lyrics also set it a few steps above other songs.
In short, it's a masterpiece.
Wow. WOW. A perfect mix of soft and what makes Machine Head who they are. The best song on the album by far, and one of my favorite songs by them. A real masterpiece.

The BEST Machine Head song! I haven't been intrigued by such epic guitar work since Metallica. Great tribute to Dimebag as well, adding heart and soul to this masterpiece of music. I can listen to those dueling guitar solos over and over again! Love it.
One of the greatest, most soulful metal solos you will ever listen to. Written from anger, and you can feel it through the whole song. Best all-around song on the album.
A true metal song written in disgust at the media for William Grim's ridiculous comments about Dimebag Darrell.

I've heard MH before but never really listened to them. I heard this album on Spotify, and I like the whole thing, but "Now We Die" is my favorite song of theirs. It's up there with "Unto the Locust."
Awesome song! Blew me away on first listen! One of the best thrash/melodic songs that this band has put out! A masterpiece to be played for years to come! MH ROCK!
Wonderful song, with incredibly heavy guitar work and an epic breakdown before a really good solo. Not their best song, but it is excellent.

Along with Davidian, Old is one of my favorite Machine Head songs. Burn My Eyes was 10 years ahead of its time, and Old is a superb track.
90s thrash classic! Burn My Eyes is great, and this song is one reason why.
An old classic (no pun intended)!
The Newcomers

One of the best thrash metal riffs ever written! Amazing melodic intro followed by riff after riff of brutal, unrelenting metal! What's not to love?
Unbelievable song! Beautiful intro sliding into an absolute masterpiece. Every metal fan should listen to this song and own the album.
A real masterpiece! A lesson about metal given by Machine Head.

My favorite off the new album. Brilliant guitar work!

Way better than even the original. Definitely deserves a higher position in this list.
What... 36? This version is like five times better than the original. Come on, guys, vote this up!

All the songs on the new album are good, especially this and Ghosts Will Haunt My Bones.
This is an awesome listening experience.
Epic song!

Why the heck is this only 12th!? So dark, it makes me happy. You actually feel like ripping yourself in half, which is what I look for in a metal song, and it is so HEAVY!
This is one of my favorites from The Blackening. Its shorter length makes it a little less challenging to listen to.
This song is amazing live! The mosh pits to the drumming - this is by far one of their best from The Blackening.

Halo and I Am Hell are better, but melodically, this is the most beautiful song Machine Head ever recorded. You can feel the pain in the singing when you hear it. Just a beautiful song.
This is the saddest song I've ever known. Really, if you like Slipknot's Snuff, you will love this song too. Kind of similar technique.
This song is stuck in my head. I loved it. It's sensual, beautiful, and sad.

I'll say the same thing as everybody else commenting on this song: It's overshadowed by Locust, Sonata in C#, and This is The End, but this song gives me chills every time. It perfectly portrays a sense of unity through non-acceptance, much like much of their work.
However, this song has a positive vibe to it that I prefer over every song on this album. I might even go as far as to say that this song rivals Halo in its perfection.
In my opinion, "Who We Are" is one of the best Machine Head songs ever. The chorus is really epic and impressive, and the intro, which is sung by children, is too.
Sorry for my bad English. I'm German.

So passionate, dark, uplifting, and melodic. One of their best efforts.

This is the ultimate Machine Head song in my opinion. Great lyrics, catchy riffs, awesome solos, and Robb Flynn slaying the vocals as always.
Epic thrasher from probably the best band since Megadeth! It's nice and aggressive! Wolves, This is the End, and Aesthetics of Hate are also pretty damn godly.
Unfortunately very underrated and not played live when I saw them. Great vocals combined with phenomenal riffs. This is Machine Head!

This is definitely the best song on the album. Powerful from beginning to end. Perfect song, no doubt my favorite MH song EVER.
This is the most epic song I have heard in my life! Brilliant riffs, solos, and the chorus is just unreal.
This is the best song I've heard from Machine Head. What? It's #22? Please listen!

Man, it's hard to pick a song given Machine Head's impressive production. But if I had to choose one, I'd go with "Be Still and Know." Amazing guitar work, brutal verses, a pre-chorus that makes you pump your fist in the air, and a chorus that burns itself in your mind like a flamethrower through butter.
The first Machine Head song I listened to. It will forever be one of my favorite songs.
Great guitar and drums in this song.
The chorus is amazing!

This deserves higher. It's my favorite song on The More Things Change... a badass song.
This song rules! Best fight song ever!

The intro to this song is amazingly heavy. Totally kicks ass. Can't believe this is not in the top 5.

Standout piece about Charles Manson from an epic album. The brutal thrash assault and ruthless power in the chorus blew me away on the first listen.