Top 10 Best Paradise Lost Songs
What a musical metal archive they have...Excellence! So hard to chose only 10...
I'm in love with this song. It's the best thing my ears have ever heard.

Great song… A ballad that reminds me of The Unforgiven by Metallica… Doom at its best.
This album is the best of the best.

It's just one of the most energetic songs I've heard! I want to hear it again and again for a thousand times!
Best upbeat song on Draconian.

This or Forever Failure. A toughy. This just edges it for me.

That beautiful title drop in the chorus hits me in the heart and the feels.
A song reminiscent of bands like Tool, Alice in Chains, and Opeth. This easily demonstrates Paradise Lost's skill and solidifies their place as a metal titan.
Great song! The guitar near the end wins.

This is by far the best for me, then comes Embers Fire. It's a shame Enchantment is not even on the list right now.
Anger mixed with soaring vocals and epic musical work... What a song!
Classic song. One of my favorites.

Probably my favorite song of this amazing band.
The Newcomers

The verses sound danceable to me. Nice growls.
Hurry up and get this one into the top 10.

Probably the best doom guitar sound I've ever heard. Once you are caught by this song, it's hard to stop listening.
Amazing guitar and drum sound. It took me a long time to stop listening as I just couldn't stop!
Best slow growl song ever! Great video as well.

Really!? I can't believe this song isn't in the top 10... Doom at its best.
All-time classic! This belongs in the top five.

The beautiful melody of the piano sounds familiar, yet it holds up well and sounds fresh, like it could have been made recently, in my opinion.
Excellent melodic metal song. In my opinion, a bit underrated.
One of the catchiest Paradise Lost songs.
Paradise at their BEST! Should be in their top 3.
How has this not been voted for by anyone yet?!
Amazing song! It should be the first.

Great guitar riff and the first song of theirs I heard on a Kerrang compilation album. It just beats Forever Failure, just.

This iconic song's haunting melodic vocals and ominous, slow, creaky guitar send chills. I would play this on a Guitar Hero game if GH ever has another game and adds this to it.

I love the low, melancholic verses and the call-and-response structure of the chorus.
The best of the best! The song should be at #1.

Their best so far. Such a powerful song, I can't get bored listening to it, and I have for a year.
The verses build up nicely. It's satisfying and awesome how Nick says "Tragic Idol!" and when that echoes at the end of the song. I like the echoes in the song in general.
Great title song to an amazing new album. It's a nice blend of headbangability and melody in the vocals.
I agree with the rest of these posts, one of the greatest gothic songs ever.
Absolutely brilliant! Nice gothic feel with the keys that I just love.
This is what their gothic sound means to me: epic beginning, epic song.

Makes my mornings feel more energetic! Time to headbang! It reminds me of more aggressive Type O Negative songs.