Top 10 Best Songs of 1991
Well, if it's the best song of the '90s, obviously it's going to be the best song of 1991. Kind of silly - this song defined a generation of teenagers. This list shouldn't have even been made. Teen Spirit was going to win hands down.
This song turned the music industry on its head.
One of my favorite songs of 1991. R.I.P. Kurt Cobain.
So much better than Smells Like Teen Spirit. I like that song, but this is so much better. In my opinion, it has more meaning. I get it's a different genre of music, so it probably isn't comparable, but this deserves the top spot.
This song is so emotional and powerful. It gives me goosebumps every time I hear it.
Perfect for prom. Gotta love Guns N' Roses and the year 1991.
R.I.P. Michael Jackson.
Some of the best Metallica lyrics. The music is great too. Not thrash metal, but still great.
The Newcomers
This is awesome.
Maybe the best Scorpions song. It celebrates the political changes in Eastern Europe at that time: the fall of the Berlin Wall and the increasing freedom in the communist bloc.
Might be a power ballad, but it's a great one!