Best Songs From 30 Seconds to Mars' 30 Seconds to Mars

Vote for your favorite songs from the debut Progressive/Alternative Metal album by 30 Seconds to Mars.
The Top Ten
Edge of the Earth

Not only the best song on the album and from 30 Seconds to Mars, but it's easily the greatest song of all time. There is no other song that makes you feel as powerful as this. This is basically the Jesus Christ of all songs.

The best song on the album for sure! There are a lot of masterpieces on this album, but this is the best!

Welcome to the Universe

Having said that, this comes a close second because it also makes you feel powerful. It's as if you own the entire universe when you listen to this masterpiece.

Capricorn (A Brand New Name)

Oh, I love this song! It's a great song from a great band! In my opinion, it stands out not only on the album 30 Seconds to Mars but in the entire discography of the group. The melody is amazing and breathtaking! Damn, what a great band! I admire their creativity and how closely they connect with their fans. Wonderful!

Good song, but it always stays in your head after listening to it!


If this were more popular and well-known than Edge of the Earth and Capricorn, it would definitely be number one.

I'm surprised it's only number nine. Personally, this is my favorite.

Massive chorus, under the burning sun. Put it on repeat and it'll grow on you big time.

End of the Beginning
Buddha for Mary
93 Million Miles
Year Zero

It's good, I guess. Still the worst on the album in my opinion, and not just because of the weird space noises that go on for like two minutes at the end. I'm just not really a fan of the riff. It's a good closer nonetheless.

This song is extremely underrated. It's currently sitting at number 30 in the "Best 30 Seconds Songs" list. Stupid new fans.

The Contenders
The Mission
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