Best Songs From Dream Theater's Images and Words

The Top Ten
The Miracle and The Sleeper

Nine minutes of awesomeness.

Best song I've ever heard.

My favorite DT song ever. Really relaxing - love the solo.

Learning to Live

Simply one of the greatest songs of all time. It's long and epic, and contains a great LaBrie scream.

Pull Me Under

Just because it's their hit song, fans think it's overrated. It's their hit song because it's a great song. Those people are ducking irritating.

How the hell is this 5th? It's a true masterpiece, and it's one of the greatest songs ever written.

6! Are you kidding me? It's their hit song and many people's favorite DT song. If it wasn't for this, DT probably wouldn't be that noticeable.

Take the Time
Under a Glass Moon

I can't stand to see this song so close to the bottom. Under a Glass Moon contains imaginative lyrics, and what is considered by many to be DT's greatest guitar solo ever. It should be at least 4th.

Second favorite for me behind Metropolis.

Another Day

Why so low? One of their short and nice alternative songs. It's perfect, and as much as I love Dream Theater's style of metal, this song is a great change of pace.

Lovely guitar solo.


The definition of awesomeness.

This should definitely be top 5.


Pull Me Under (14/10)
Another Day (9/10)
Take the Time (10/10)
Surrounded (10.5/10)
Metropolis: The Miracle and the Sleeper (13/10)
Under a Glass Moon (20/10)
Wait for Sleep (7/10)
Learning to Live (10.5/10)

Wait for Sleep

A great little song. It's not as great when compared to the other songs on the album, but then again, every song on the album is fantastic, as is this one.

Love this song. Love how Learning to Live reprises its piano melody.

Metropolis, Pt. 1: The Miracle and the Sleeper
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