Best Songs from Rise Against's Siren Song of the Counter Culture

The Top Ten
Paper Wings

"I've watched you fly on paper wings halfway 'round the world!" Incredible. This song makes my heartbeat faster every time!

The only bad thing about the song is trying to play this on guitar.

State of the Union
Give It All
Rumors of My Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

The raw emotion from Tim in this song is just incredible.

Swing Life Away
Blood to Bleed

Why is this down here at 8!? This is kickass!

Life Less Frightening

Listen to the acoustic version on YouTube. It's magnificent. This song sums up Rise Against's entire message: stand up for yourself and change the world if you are not satisfied. Plus, it's so catchy!

Dancing for Rain

Wow, this is the only song I really like from this album, and it currently isn't even in the top 5. Give It All is good, and I forced myself to get used to Swing Life Away, but this one I really like. The guitar might not be the best, but it is very catchy with great vocals.

Tip the Scales
The First Drop

The Newcomers

? Fix Me
? Anywhere But Here

This is my favorite song ever. I can't believe that it wasn't even on the list until I added it.

The Contenders
To Them These Streets Belong
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