Best The Ramones Albums

The Top Ten

The first punk album.

Rocket to Russia

I used to think Too Tough to Die was the best one, but I changed my mind. This one is better.

Road to Ruin

My favorite Ramones album, no question. The first album could very well be the most influential, and I think Rocket to Russia might technically be their best album, but this is the one for me. The songs are a bit longer but still hard-hitting, and the production is great.

There are a lot of songs about mental health on here too, a topic that isn't brought up nearly enough in songs.

In fact, the best production of the Ramones.

Leave Home
Too Tough to Die

Their most underrated album, no question. This is their hardcore album - seriously! Listen to Wart Hog. The Ramones never got as frantic and angry as they did on that track (sung by Dee Dee!).

Mama's Boy, the title track, and I'm Not Afraid of Life - this album deserves to be listed as one of their best.

The best one, in my opinion. The songs are (almost) all composed by Dee Dee, and you can feel the distinct vibe of the '80s from the beginning.

¡Adios Amigos!
End of the Century
Animal Boy
Subterranean Jungle
Mondo Bizarro

The Newcomers

? Weird Tales of the Ramones
? Acid Eaters
The Contenders
Pleasant Dreams
Brain Drain
Halfway to Sanity
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