Best Songs on Led Zeppelin II
The Top Ten
Whole Lotta Love

Simply the best.

Gotta love Heartbreaker.
Heartbreaker is my favorite Zeppelin song too.
Heartbreaker rules!
This is my favorite Led Zeppelin II song!
The best guitar song ever recorded. Period.
Ramble On

I wouldn't say Whole Lotta Love is boring, but yeah, it's not the only great Led Zeppelin song! There are a lot of great songs by this band!
What is and What Should Never Be

Bring It on Home

Every song rules on this album, but Thank You and The Lemon Song are very underrated. Please vote!
The Lemon Song

It has a pretty good bass solo. Underrated! Should be number 5 or 6.
This is such a good song. How is it the lowest? It's my favorite.
Moby Dick

Thank You

Beautiful love song. Shows that Led Zeppelin is more than just a hard rock band.
What's this doing here? Get back up to 4th!
Underrated song!
Living Loving Maid (She's Just a Woman)

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