Best Songs From Machine Head's The Blackening

The Top Ten

Is there any doubt that this would be number 1? This song is a groove metal masterpiece.

A Farewell to Arms

I have to go with this one. Tough choice between Halo and Aesthetics though.

This and Halo are two of the best metal songs of the 21st century!

Aesthetics of Hate

This is my favorite groove metal album of all time (sorry Vulgar) and probably my favorite album of all time.

My list is:

1. Wolves - I hate putting a 9-minute masterpiece at 8, but it still kicks ass. The lyrics, the riffs, and Robb's vocals make it one of my favorite Machine Head songs.
2. Slanderous - The lyrics made me laugh so hard when I first listened to it. It was unreal. Amazing.
3. Beautiful Mourning - The f-you all in the beginning was badass, and the rest was very heavy and beautiful.
4. Now I Lay Thee Down - The riff is the best part of this song. It's amazing.
5. Aesthetics of Hate - My favorite riff by the band. It sounds similar to Avenged Sevenfold's Unholy Confessions, but it still kicks ass. It's about a jackass who called Dimebag an untalented loser. It pissed Robb off, and probably everyone else too. R.I.P. Dime.
6. Halo - The most loved Machine Head song but my third favorite. It's kinda progressive, which makes it kick ass, and the chorus is catchy.
7. Clenching the Fists of Dissent - The badass beginning. The riffs are outstanding, and the lyrics are badass, like something from Burn My Eyes. It's also their longest song, at 10:37 minutes.
8. A Farewell to Arms - My favorite from the album and the band. It's the closing track, and it's just amazing. It's their second longest song, at 10:16 minutes. The Blackening rules!

Beautiful Mourning
Clenching the Fists of Dissent

Badass riff after badass riff with badass lyrics about a badass war.

Now I Lay Thee Down

The problem with an album like this is that most of the songs deserve the No. 1 spot.


This song is awesome. I think the reason people don't like it is because of the lyrics. I think it's funny - this should be higher on the list.

Hallowed Be Thy Name

This is an amazing Iron Maiden cover.

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