Best Songs From Pantera's Cowboys From Hell

The Top Ten
Cemetery Gates

Not the best, but Domination deserves to be second.

That breakdown is gold!

Should be number 1.

Cowboys from Hell
The Sleep

The solo is insane.

Should be 3, not 7.

Dimebag Darrell's best solo of all time. R.I.P., and you'll always be remembered.

Psycho Holiday

One of the most underrated Pantera songs.

One of the heavier and faster songs.

The vocals - OOOH!

The Art of Shredding

Some of my favorite riffs in metal. Not only that, but this song is more than just one thing - it's like a combination of all the songs on the album that came before it. It's just a great way to send listeners off.

Primal Concrete Sledge

How is this so low?


Sick song. I'm unsure how both this and Primal Concrete Sledge have managed to fall below the top 10 here, but whatever.

Super heavy with neat distortion from Darrell.

Medicine Man

I actually really like this song.

The Newcomers

? The Will to Survive
? Message in Blood

Phil's best vocals of his entire career.

The Contenders
Clash with Reality
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