Top 10 Best Songs From System of a Down's Self-Titled Album

One of the best System of a Down songs in general, and the best on this album.
Best song by System of a Down. Should be #1.
Should be number one!

This is an amazing song. Definitely one of my favorites on this album.
The greatest song in history, period.
I love this album, EVERY SONG IS AMAZING. My top 8:
1. Spiders
2. Soil
3. P.L.U.C.K.
4. Sugar
5. War?
6. Peephole
7. Suite-Pee
8. Mind

It's a tradition for System of a Down songs with acronyms to be the deepest ones. Wish it had a music video.
This is dedicated to the Genocide. Please vote in support.
One of my favorite songs by them.

My personal favorite from the album. To me, it has more heaviness than the other songs (P.L.U.C.K. may be an exception).
Underrated song. Very powerful lyrics.
Good, but very underrated.

It might be unholy, but you got to admit, everything else about it is cool. The lyrics don't matter that much.
My second favorite song on the album. Should at least be in the Top 5, let alone the Top 3.
Suite-Pee is, in my opinion, badass. Should be in the top five!

This album has so many beyond amazing songs, but this one takes it. DDevil, War?, Know, and Sugar are next.
Hello? Best solo on this album... even a drum solo... extreme speed... NUMBER 11?!
Don't you... Realize... Evil... is just so brutal.

12th PLACE?! This song should easily be in the top 5. It's my favorite song on this album, only behind Suite-Pee and Sugar.
Got a great carnival-sounding vibe. Lyrics about drugs, so minus one, but plus two for the sound and style of the song.

This one probably has Serj's most powerful vocals.
So amazing, the best of the album.
Should be ranked higher.

I like this song a lot. One of the stronger songs on this album.

Love this song, the best ever! Clock men, for they will... FAIL!
The Newcomers
The guitar is so infectious! The lyrics are wonderfully dark.
One of my all-time favorite songs by System of a Down.

Even though this isn't my favorite, I can't believe it's ranked as the second worst. This song is VERY underrated.
Longest song by System of a Down. What the funk, people?!
Pretty dark song, but full of energy and feeling.

This song is the best on the album other than Sugar and maybe Suite-Pee. It should be way higher.