Worst Imagine Dragons Songs

The Top Ten
1 Thunder

ID sold out completely to trends with this song. The guitar in the background at the end of the song is the only redeeming aspect of this song. A song that says the same word 74 times in it deserves to be called their worst song.

This song isn't even that bad in my opinion. It's not excellent or anything, but it's not bad either. I personally think it's catchy, even if the chorus is repetitive.

The song starts high. But with the Refrain it drops completely...

Its okay now to hear, but only thanks to mere-exposure, not because quality

The only Imagine Dragons song I hate. I think it is overkill to hate on the entire band just for this one song, but it is an atrocious song.

2 Cutthroat

This is their worst song yet in my opinion. It's even worse than Thunder (which isn't that bad in my opinion). Dan's vocals in this song are probably his worst yet, especially in the chorus, where his screaming is terrible. I'm also not a fan of the lyrics. The only thing that saves this song from being an abomination in my opinion is the instrumental. The piano is somewhat repetitive, but the instrumental itself is not terrible. Overall, I rate this song a 1.5 out of 10.

This song sounds like a pop song trying to be metal. Dan Reynolds just scream and scream again in the obnoxious way. Much much worser than thunder.

This song should trade places with Thunder.

3 Dancing in the Dark

What. This song is amazing

The only song I hate.

4 Every Night

The only bad imagine dragons song. Shame it shares the album with the best one, round and round.

5 Pistol Whip

When I first heard this song I thought it was some of-tune song from the 70's.

Thunder is decent. What is this?

6 Whatever It Takes

Whatever it takes is my favourite song. I have no idea how it ended up on this list.

This is one of the better songs from Imagine Dragons.

How is this higher than Dancing in the Dark!

#5? This is ridiculous! This song is great.

7 Enemy
8 Yesterday

Imagine Dragons is trying too hard to be 80's that it ends up a complete mess. I like ID and some of Evolve, but this song is completely terrible.

I really don't like this one

9 The River

No song by them is bad (except Pistol Whip)

10 Bullet in a Gun

This son is so annoying

The Contenders
11 On Top of the World

This song was Imagine Dragons biggest mistake. I mean what is a rock band like Imagine Dragons doing coming out with a song that sounds so poppy and bad? Imagine Dragons is a pretty good band but this song sucks! -Avery

This songs is catchy but sucks.

12 Not Today

I like this though!

13 Demons
14 Cha-Ching (Till We Grow Older)
15 Boots
16 Fear

You Can't Even hear dan that much

17 Shots
18 Believer

I don't necessarily hate this as much as the rest of the community here but it's still pretty bad. I mean that intro is catchy but Dan ruins it with the "pain", then the "pain", then... "PAAAIN" in the chorus. 3/10. Could be worse though.

This is my least favorite song from them I said why on my unpopular opinions list.

This is one of my favorite songs ever.

19 30 Lives
20 Digital

I LOVE this song but I see why it is here

Thing is amazing

21 Love
22 Symphony
23 I Bet My Life

I can't stand this song. The chorus sounds so cringe. Just shouting I Bet My Life. Even Thunder is better.

How the hell this is #1. this is a great song

I love that song you don't know whats up

24 Only

Origins is the worst thing they have ever done. This makes Natural looking like Demons.

Too generic and poppy.

This sucks so noisy

25 Waves
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