Reasons Why the United States is Better Than Canada

The Top Ten
1 Friendlier People

You can obviously see otherwise on YouTube. People only care about themselves. Republicans use the Bible as an excuse to be rude and unfair towards others. People hate Muslims, even though there are far more Christians terrorizing the Middle East than Muslims terrorizing anywhere else. Black Lives Matter exists, which is a violent, racist group. Men talk down to women, then get angry about the number of lesbians. Only males can be President, while other first-world countries have moved beyond that tradition. Being a Democrat is seen as dumb, simply because Democrats care about others instead of constantly being selfish. I wouldn't say a country with such people has friendly people.

2 Justin Bieber Didn't Come From the US

Even the Canadians don't want to deal with Justin Bieber. They could kick him out of Canada, and he could end up leaving the country for good.

Justin Bieber may be from Canada, but even the Canadians don't want to deal with him.

3 Prettier Cities

I definitely agree. The cities in the USA have more old charm and vary depending on where you go. I especially love the old colonial architecture that is present throughout America. Canada hasn't really got much old charm, as its landscape restricted the construction of old towns. In Canada, houses don't need to look nice - they just need to withstand the temperature. In the USA, everything is designed better and taller.

True. Go to New York, and you'll see.

4 Better Weather

I'm sorry, but I can't handle winter! It's so bad in Canada that in Nova Scotia your house will get completely buried by a ton of snow! In the prairies, since there aren't a lot of trees, the wind blows right across your face, and the snow gives you countless frostbites. The only non-snowy place in Canada is the southwest coast in Vancouver and Victoria. But it still rains a lot there, and it doesn't really get warm in the summer. I get that Death Valley, California is so hot you could cook alive, but places like Maui have perfect weather.

5 More World Top-Ranked Universities

Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Princeton, Cornell, Dartmouth, Brown, UPenn - I could honestly go on and on.

That's literally the only reason I agree with.

6 More Clubs
7 America has Donald Trump

God bless him, and God bless the United States of America. Keep America great!

8 Lower Cost of Living

Actually, it's true. The taxes are much higher in Canada than they are in the United States.

It's not just about free health care. We also have a lower-valued dollar.

9 USA is Free

Canada isn't free compared to the States at all. Canada has super strict gun laws, Trudeau passed a bill that effectively destroyed free speech, and Ontario has so many rules and laws it's insane (like no right-hand drive cars?). The list goes on. America is actually free, and I'm Canadian. Canada is a joke these days.

The USA is an independent country. Americans do not need to bow down to a monarchy, and they can elect and replace their leaders whenever they want.

10 Prettier Women

Go to any Southern California coastline and try to say the USA doesn't have the most beautiful women per capita in the world.

The Contenders
11 Better Music Artists

That's right. All the up-and-coming stars leave small-town Canada to move to Hollywood, where they dominate the music and film industries. Seriously? The US has ten times the population, so it should have ten times the stars. Our singers are influential, just like yours. Celine Dion, Bryan Adams, Alanis Morissette, Leonard Cohen (the guy who wrote Hallelujah) - all Canadian.

I think America has better music than Canada because American singers have more talent than a lot of Canadian singers. Also, I think American songs and singers are more original, and their music is more popular and appeals more to me.

12 More Powerful Military

Just because you have the "best snipers" doesn't make the Canadian military better. America has over 1,000,000 active service members, while Canada has a pretty pathetic 70,000. America also has companies like Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and Boeing that build the most advanced military technology in the world. America has the second-highest number of nuclear weapons. To be fair, I have never seen a single piece of media about the Canadian military - seriously, what are y'all doing up there?

13 Not Dependent on UK
14 More McDonald's
15 More Sexy Woman

The most beautiful women, inside and out.

16 More Money

Canadians are mostly broke and in huge credit card debt. Visit Vancouver, and you'll see what I mean.

17 No Justin Trudeau
18 More Happiness
19 Isn't Politically Correct
20 More Sex and Entertainment
21 More Conservatives
22 More Oil
23 Better Leader
24 More Interesting Cities and Culture

Regardless of your opinion about the USA's possible lack of culture, when people want to visit a country for tourism, they choose the USA over Canada. In fact, the USA is the second most visited country in the world, only surpassed by France. Here are more facts for you: Mexico is visited by more tourists annually than Canada. So, please, don't even try to think Canada can outperform the USA in culture. Just facts.

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