Top-10 Beautiful Baltic Women/ Models

Baltic women are known by their charming appearance, fantastic beauty, original, natural. Girls draw attention by gentle features, a light, fine leather and serene, penetrating glance. It seems that in the eyes of Estonians and Lithuanians reflected the shining Baltic Sea. Even in several minutes of acquaintance beautiful Baltic women make a bright impression, they for a long time remain in memory
The Top Ten
1 Mena Suvari Mena Alexandra Suvari is an American actress, fashion designer, and model. Shortly after beginning her career as a model, Suvari appeared in guest roles on 1990s television shows such as Boy Meets World and High Incident. She then starred in American Beauty, American Pie, and Domino.
2 Alena Vasilaite
3 Egle Standtaite
4 Anett Griffel
5 Edita Vilkeviciute
6 Agnia Ditkovskite
7 Jurgita Jurkute
8 Agata Muceniece
9 Gražina Baikštytė
10 Vija Artmane
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