Top 10 Worst Voice Actors
From any source you like, Video Games, Movies or Anime. Everything is permitted.
Singular acting style, one voice. Overrated actor whose merits are gained from piggybacking off the writing of the characters he voices. You could replace him with literally anyone else and achieve the same, if not better, results. Baker does a better job, and saying that makes me cringe.
I know that he is very famous, but I don't understand why. I mean, there are some amazing voice actors and actresses out there who can perform all sorts of voices, but Bryce sticks with only one. Sometimes his voice doesn't even suit the character. So, why is he so overrated and famous? I kind of agree with this choice.

I really, really don't like her voice. Every character she voices sounds the same. Mae from FE Echoes, Makoto from Persona 5, Caeda from FE SD&BoL, and many more all sound like Asuna to me.
Bland voice acting, relying on a singular style, no different from Papenbrook. She did Biyomon dirty by voicing her. I'm not sure why people praise her in Cyberpunk. She's basically a Laura Bailey clone.

She was originally the voice of Lucina, but at least her English voice actress was changed, which was a very good thing. Unfortunately, Smash Ultimate reused her voice recordings from Smash 4, which means Lucina didn't even get new lines for when she fights her now-playable dad and can even still say, "Father, I won" when said father (Chrom) is who she won against.
Literally, every character you voice is just another "Maka Albarn." Another overrated voice actor with a singular acting style and no variation on theme.

She's exactly the same as Marchi. Very bad voice, overused, and disliked. I could hear her voice in every FUNimation show I bought. They were the reason I stopped watching dubbed anime.
She is the reason why Vic Mignogna got fired in the first place, plus she brought up a jellybean joke just to get him fired. Her story makes no sense whatsoever, and she is just as bad for spreading drama to all anime fans and actors without facts to back up her claims, which is cruel and dangerous. I am sorry, but she is just stupid, and there is no reason for me to support her.

Just like Monica Rial, she is equally bad. She's not only insulting to some Vic fans and neutral fans discussing Vic's innocence, but also exhibits many reprehensible traits. She is also twisting the dubs toward her political agenda, which is atrocious.
She ruined Funimation by consistently pushing political agendas in their dubs. Not to mention, she and Monica Rial are responsible for getting Vic Mignogna fired over false sexual assault allegations.
Terrible voice and rude as sin. The scandal was the last straw, but I despised her before that. She was overused long before 2019.

Get this lovechild of Ken Jeong and Eric Cartman out of the anime industry. He sucks and can't act - except to act stupid - and he's NOT funny. Everything he does is cringe. Instead of doing food reviews, he should take himself to a gym and go on a diet.
Why is this annoying moron even a voice actor? His stupid and cringeworthy videos make him undeserving of being hired as a voice actor.
I find it laughable how so many of you fanboys are getting so upset just because this untalented manchild is listed as one of the worst voice actors. He should be in first place because he is terrible. The only acting he does is acting foolish, and he is not funny at all.

First off, she is overrated. People treat her like she's the second coming of Jesus Christ, which is insulting to the Bible.
Second, her Twitter is filled with constant rants about Donald Trump. In a recent tweet, she used a GIF of a baby throwing a temper tantrum. That behavior is immature and disgusting to me.
Third, I really hate Bubbles, Dill, and a few more characters that she's voiced.
Do not pay attention to this voice actress. She is a terrible example. If you want a good example of a great voice actress, do yourself a favor and check out Miss Cathy Cavadini or E.G. Daily.
The Newcomers
He is super annoying. He thinks he is a movie star with one lead role as Clive in Final Fantasy XVI. Ugly bastard.
This guy is so annoying and thinks he is Mr. Square Enix. Get this bootleg Fandango soap opera wannabe out of voice acting.
Biggest GigaChad voice actor there is. Go back to your real job doing cologne commercials.

It turns out he, along with Sean Schemmel, Monica Rial, and Jamie Marchi, all plotted to get rid of Vic Mignogna from Funimation over his Christian beliefs. How can these people sleep at night?
Has been running a casting couch at Funimation to make sexual advances in order to cast voice actors in lead roles. How is Vic the predator?
Why is Bryce Papenbrook number one? He's nice, a husband and father, and good to fans.
Unlike this creepy bootleg McLovin-looking freak who denies any sexual misconduct allegations and sends his fanbase to defend him, especially to attack minors who have expressed how they've been hurt by this creep.
Sean Chiplock should be number one. He's a pedo and sucks at voice acting.
This guy looks like a bootleg Adam Driver who voiced Revali in Breath of the Wild, which was a decent role. However, he sucked as Noob Saibot in Mortal Kombat 11. Not to mention, he's always posting political tweets, and even tweets that are highly misinformed.

Great voice actor, but he was rude. I heard he was trying to work on himself. However, I need to see him act better towards fans and people in general.
He also started the "Kick Vic" movement along with Christopher Sabat, Monica Rial, and Jamie Marchi.
He has quite an ego.
Thank goodness she was replaced as the voice of female Robin from Smash 4 onward!
He attacks people on Twitter, then blocks them so they can't reply. He also pretends to support women's rights, then records himself in a women's restroom. D.C. Douglas is a sick individual.
I find it amusing how the voice of one of the creepiest characters in video games, Kamoshida from Persona 5, is voiced by a sick individual who likes to film himself in women's restrooms. Also, Richard Waugh was a far better Wesker than this person ever was.
Look up the word "tool" in the dictionary. I guarantee you'll find this guy's photo in front of it. Not only that, but he attacks any fan who doesn't like Michele Knotz's voice acting as Misty and Jessie. He's highly egotistical and also a venomous snake who'll love working with you, then turn on you a year later to support his "friends."
This crackhead is an uneducated racist who calls others that just for boycotting SweetBaby Inc. Zeno Robinson sucks. He has no talent and doesn't even voice Black characters. The man is a racist hypocrite. Get this man out of the industry, and Zeno Robinson can go back to flipping burgers.
He's clearly let fame go to his head, showing support for Hamas. More like Xenophobic Robinson. This is what happens when actors get too popular too quickly.

Her voice is the equivalent of nails on a chalkboard, and the only way she gets fans is by following people on Twitter just to unfollow them the moment they follow back.

His performance of Whitey from Eight Crazy Nights. Enough said.

Like ProZD, he was mediocre at best as a YouTuber, and now we all have to know about him thanks to the whole "voice actors whom you can't see anyway must be the same ethnicity as their character" thing. Most unforgivable is that he's now the voice of Cleveland Brown because heaven forbid the white guy who voiced him for two decades continue the role. At least Cleveland is a mere supporting character on "Family Guy" again.
He's too young to be voicing the father of a teenager, but since Fox went woke and fired Mike Henry...

This person is always spamming Twitter comments with GIFs of apples. His arguments make no sense, and his comebacks involve someone wanting to eat an apple. Josh Martin can take his apples and go away.
This clown makes Chris Chan look like a Nobel Prize winner with his stupid Apple tweets.
A grown man who looks like a bootleg Howie Mandel, who spams GIFs of apples towards Vic Mignogna fans and insults those with ADHD.

The only reason this guy is still getting work is because voice actors now have to match the ethnicity of the characters they voice. Meanwhile, characters like Mickey Mouse, Bugs Bunny, and Garfield are still voiced by humans...