Similarities Between Dahvie Vanity and 6ix9ine

The Top Ten
1 They both have rainbow hair

Are they both advocates for the LGBTQ community or something?

2 They both are pedophiles
3 They both make horrible music

Well said. Although at least Blood On The Dance Floor's songs are horrible in a funny way and are good to make fun of. 6ix9ine's music isn't even funny in the slightest.

Yeah, Dahvie Vanity made terrible music with disgusting lyrics. I don't know if he makes music now though. But 6ix9ine also makes horrible and unlistenable "songs."

4 They both use autotune

6ix9ine just screams though

5 They are both widely hated
6 They are both annoying
7 They both treat their fans like trash

6ix9ine treats his fans like trash?! Check what you're eating for breakfast

I heard 6ix9ine choked a fan back in 2018 at a mall in Houston.

No 6ix9ine doesn't treat his fans like trash, look it up

They have fans?

8 They are both ugly

They look like they celebrate Halloween every day. I actually thought that 6ix9ine was wearing a wig and a mask when I first saw him.

9 They both look like clowns
10 They both lack talent
The Contenders
11 Both suck at rapping
12 They both are terrible human beings
13 They both belong in jail
14 They are both among the most hated people in the world.
15 They are both trash
16 They both scream their lyrics
17 They are both ill-mannered
18 They are both misogynists
19 They both suck

Yep - Applejack9876

20 They both try to pose as girls

Their hair can tell you that.

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