Top 10 Best Features of the PlayStation 3
I like online gaming, but it sounds weird that I have to pay for online gaming after already buying the system.
It's better than the Xbox 360 because you don't have to pay for the internet.
Free online gaming... Epic! And Blu-ray! It's obvious that the PS3 is the best console of all time.
I think the exclusives are the best thing about buying a PS3. If the Xbox had Uncharted, I would have gone for that console instead.
Uncharted 2 is actually better than MGS4. It has over 100 Game of the Year awards and a GameRankings score of 96.49, while MGS4 has about 94. Anyway, I just wanted to say that the PS3 has the best exclusive titles since the N64.
Don't forget Killzone 2 and God of War 3. It's going to take Console of the Year again.
The only reason I bought a PS3 was for the Blu-ray player. The PS3 is still awesome, but I still love the Blu-ray feature the most.
The PlayStation could be so much better if more games were made specifically for PlayStation, instead of being ported over from Xbox.
Its home screen looks organized. Sony worked hard to create that home screen for the PS3.
It really enhances the feel of the game.