Top 10 Best Fighting Type Pokemon
When it comes to Fighting-type Pokémon, some just bring that extra edge in battle. Whether you're into strategy, brute force, or a little of both, the best Fighting types each have something that makes them stand out. From Pokémon that throw powerful punches to those who outmaneuver their opponents, these battlers show off a ton of different fighting styles, giving you plenty of options to crush your next Gym Challenge, Raid, or tournament.
It's true, Lucario is an awesome Pokémon, and everyone loves it or has it. Cynthia has a Lucario, as do most decent Fighting-type trainers. It has an amazing aura-sensing talent and can Mega Evolve into a beast!
With high Speed and Attack, Lucario can learn all sorts of moves from Close Combat to Aura Sphere! A true Fighting-type Pokémon and a powerful team member!
Lucario is very loyal in the movie and a super good Pokemon in the game. He has high attack, special attack, and speed, so mine always goes first because it's so fast. It also looks awesome, and its Mega Evolution looks even more awesome.
And when it's shiny, it's yellow, so a shiny Lucario using Aura Sphere looks like a Super Saiyan using a Kamehameha.

Blaziken is the first Fire-Fighting starter, alongside the other two starters from Hoenn. This is probably one of the best Pokemon. Sure, Infernape has more speed, but can it Mega Evolve? I think not. This shows Blaziken should be number 1.
Lucario also seems to be a good match-up for him, but Blaziken can learn Flare Blitz, and it can 2-shot a Lucario in mega form.
Blaziken is a fighting force that can destroy. Period. Fire, Fighting, Flying, and Normal moves can decimate anything it comes against. Blaziken is fast and powerful, and with the right moves, will slaughter anything that stands in its way.

Well, let's compare first. Blaziken has lower speed, but its hidden ability is Speed Boost. That and Swords Dance make a great combo. It also learns awesome moves such as Brave Bird, Flare Blitz, and Hi Jump Kick. It has rather good special attack too, so Overheat is a good idea. Don't forget Stone Edge and Earthquake, which do a lot of damage.
Now for Infernape. Infernape has much better speed and the hidden ability Iron Fist, which powers up Mach Punch, the elemental punches, and Close Combat. It is a good sub-puncher (substitute and Focus Punch) and knows Fake Out. Life Orb + Close Combat + Flare Blitz + Stone Edge/Earthquake makes a good sweeper. It can also learn Acrobatics and U-turn.
Okay, comparing is over, and the Pokémon I pick is... Infernape! With great Attack and Speed, it would be a great addition to your team. I hope this helps! -Jellohamster

In case you haven't read the Pokédex entry on Machamp, this guy can lift mountains with a single hand. In addition, he can punch 1,000 times in 2 seconds. That's each arm punching 150 mountains away per second, assuming 500 mountains were flying at him every second.
Mountain punching abilities aside, he learns Dynamic Punch, which hits for 150 damage (thanks to STAB) and confuses the target, as well as learning Cross Chop before Lucario learns Close Combat.
However, the Superpower Pokémon (yes, that's really what he's called) has his drawbacks: stats. His total stats are a mere 505, not bad compared to some other Pokémon (Rattata, I'm talking about you), but compared to Lucario's 525 and Blaziken's 530, you can really begin to see his weakness. However, Machamp is by no means a weak Pokémon, and he would kick Lucario's butt due to Lucario being part steel type.

Gallade, if used properly, could be the strongest fighting-type Pokémon. The first reason for this is that he is part psychic. Having this typing makes it hard for his fighting-type opponents to beat him due to any psychic moves he possesses.
The second reason would be his blades. Having blades for arms allows him to learn an array of slashing moves. The knight can also counter all of his fighting foes. Having trouble with Fire-types? Teach him Stone Edge. Grass-types? Send them sky-high with Air Slash. Steel/Dark-types? Use Close Combat to destroy them. And for just plain fighters, they'll be running from Psychic/Psycho Cut.
The swordsman is cunning and smart, using attack and speed to his advantage along with special attack. After this fighter has mega evolved into his white knight form, his stats increase, making him hard to catch and defend against. This is why the fighter of blades is possibly the best in the fighting league.

Heracross always smiles, and if you give it a Choice Band, I think it gets a 25% boost in attack. Its attack itself is exceptionally strong, and its Hidden Ability Moxie is nothing to mess around with.
Heracross is awesome! I always have him on my team. He did a lot for Ash in the Pokémon League. His Megahorn is a move to reckon with!
He's the only Pokémon that can defeat Whitney without a problem. Therefore, he is absolutely amazing.

Hitmonlee, I'd have to say, is probably the best Fighting type. Its kicking moves are beast. Take Mega Kick, for example: its power is 130. Also, it can learn Blaze Kick, which all the Blaziken fans like so much. If you don't like its accuracy, then teach it Mind Reader.
Hitmonlee could use a boost with Defense and HP, but otherwise, it's really well-built. I like Infernape too.
When I saw this guy, I knew he was awesome, much better than Hitmonchan. But there is one problem with Lee: he doesn't have that many fighting moves besides High Jump Kick, Brick Break, Reversal, and a couple of other moves.
He can still learn other great moves like Earthquake and Rock Slide.

There are so many ways you can use this Pokémon. Personally, I use Power Herb with Sky Attack and Acrobatics, along with Me First and Flying Press for the other moves. Many teams have been swept with this setup, and it is my personal favorite Fighting type.
I always loved Hawlucha when it first came out. Its attack stat, along with its signature move, makes it quite powerful. Hawlucha for the win!
A Pokémon owned by Ash not in the Top Ten? Well, I think he is really highly rated because he's in the Top 15 in the Top 20!

Poliwrath is one of the bulkiest fighting types out there, and the Water/Fighting combination is a great combo.
Make sure your Poliwrath has the Water Absorb ability and teach it the following moves:
- Hypnosis
- Mind Reader
- Wake-Up Slap
- Waterfall
You can switch into a Water Pokémon, get hit with a water attack to heal your HP, hit Mind Reader, followed by Wake-Up Slap for massive amounts of damage. You also have Waterfall for STAB against Ground/Rock/Fire types.
Poliwrath, the Tadpole Pokemon, and one of the two evolved forms of Poliwhirl. Burly and muscular, Poliwrath can exercise for hours without getting tired. It swims effortlessly through the ocean.
Now look, if I went to a fitness center and I saw a Poliwrath there, I'd just be sure it would work up kiloliters of sweat (ewww!).

Hitmonchan is the best of the three. With a high base attack stat and high base special defense, he can take a hit. Speed isn't high, but who needs speed when you can just prioritize with Bullet Punch and Mach Punch. He learns Fake Out and has high move coverage.
Best fighting tank ever. Mine has tanked Moonblast and Psychic!
I always picked this one in Blue, so it has my vote.
The Newcomers

This Pokémon is great. I used him throughout my Gen III playthrough. He's the earliest Fighting Pokémon in the game and by far the most worthwhile.
Machop is found roughly halfway through the playthrough, but by this time, most people would have a pretty well-established team. Hariyama may not be the best Fighting Pokémon ever, but it surely is a lot better than most of the contenders out there.
Hariyama was the only Pokémon that could learn Force Palm (I think) until Lucario came along. He's awesome and has strong defenses that are hard to destroy without a type advantage.

Come on, guys, this is the original Fighting type Pokémon. Everyone has used him. He was, and still is, a beast.
Primeape has been a favorite Fighting type for a long time and is definitely a beast.
This nostalgic fighter will always be a favorite, from the awesome Mankey to the beast Primeape.

Have you seen its Attack stat? It's one of the best in any game. If you teach it Sky Uppercut or Close Combat, Seed Bomb, plus a Rock move to cover weaknesses, and one more move (I would suggest Iron Tail), your Breloom will destroy everything in sight.
Not to mention its ability, which puts opponents with physical attacks sometimes to sleep, paralyzed, or poisoned. Breloom wins. No questions.
With Technician and Mach Punch, Breloom, who has the same attack stat as Machamp, can break most stalls, overpower most sweepers, and eliminate squishies like nobody's business. Poison Heal Breloom can even stop most status killer teams and still packs a hefty punch with the Substitute Focus Punch combo.

Conkeldurr needs to be in the top 10. This guy's attack stat is huge and can crush many would-be counters with its good coverage moves. It is also very bulky and defensive, especially with an assault vest.
Trying to cripple Conkeldurr with Will-O-Wisp is quite risky because it may activate a Guts boost and make Conkeldurr even more terrifying. So unless you hit it with a substantial super-effective hit, good luck taking this guy down. Don't clown around with Conkeldurr. Otherwise, it will be the one laughing in the presence of your destroyed team.

What are you doing, Toxicroak? Get up in the top ten! Steel is no longer a threat to him because of fighting, and he was the only Pokémon I used in the new Fairy gym. The only types you have to watch out for are Flying and Psychic.
Lucario makes a close second for me, though.
Toxicroak looks way better than Poliwrath and could beat him. Why is Poliwrath up there but not Toxicroak? Don't you guys know anything?
With Dry Skin, Toxicroak makes Water types completely useless against it. Plus, it is a boss against the Fairy type gym.

This guy may be slow, but he has a great type combination: Fighting and Dark (keep this away from Fairy types, though). Sadly, this Pokémon is weak against its own type (Fighting).
You don't have to worry about Psychic types because they will have no effect! Not to mention its great base Attack (124) and with its awesome ability, Mold Breaker, it can hit anything! The first time I knew about this Pokémon, I immediately wanted one!
Pangoro is one of the laziest Pokemon designs ever. Notice how this guy was made after Kung Fu Panda, Karate Panda, War Bear, Little Panda Fighter, and Chop Kick Karate Panda were made. Clearly, Game Freak ran out of designs and just used ones that had already been made several times. Good job, Game Freak.
But other than that, it's a good Pokemon.

Great Pokémon with the use of Counter and Rolling Kick.
Hitmontop is my favorite Fighting type Pokémon.
I want him so bad! I want this Pokémon on my team!

Sacred Sword is an amazing attack with a lot of power. The Grass type allows it to deal with Water Pokémon as well.

It has the same base stats total as Blaziken (530), and so is second in stats only to Infernape on the top ten. He's better than Blaziken though. This is the move set I suggest:
Wood Hammer (120 damage), Hammer Arm (100 damage), Spiky Shield (u mad, physical attacks?), and one more move of whatever you want.
He is really cool-looking, not just that, he is really strong. He has five weaknesses, which is not really good, but even though one of his weaknesses is fire, he can still win with his fight moves. The only problem I have with Chesnaught is that he can only learn a few fighting type moves.

This Pokémon is totally meant for fighting, and it's got to be the best!
You see this Pokémon's karate moves (especially the Karate Chop). He will knock out any Pokémon in his way!
Personally, I'm a fan, and you should be too!
Awesome stats! With an Adamant nature, this Pokémon is unstoppable! You can get him early at the 2nd Gym town. This really helps people who play Pokémon without cheats because they already have a Pokémon with good stats early in the game.
And this guy gets Brick Break at level 29, wow! With this Pokémon's godlike attack and not bad speed, Sawk should be in the top 10. This sweeper is too OP for early gyms, and you can get this guy in the town where the second gym is at. This Pokémon will obviously make the game easier for you!

This guy's amazing! With moves like Drain Punch, High Jump Kick, and Jump Kick, not to mention Lucario's signature move Aura Sphere, Mienshao just wrecks face. He should be number 2, not 48!
Mienshao is an absolute beast. Amazing attack and speed. Fake Out and High Jump Kick make a joke of Sturdy Pokemon.
Add to that U-turn and its ability Regenerator, and he can destroy Psychic types and return home safely. Aerial Ace as the last move, and you've got a powerful sweeper with insane coverage.
Possibly the most underrated fighting-type Pokemon. It should be in the top 10, at least competitively. High Jump Kick with great stats, coupled with two great abilities in Regenerator and Reckless, make this a dominant Choice Scarf/Life Orb sweeper in UU.
By the way, Mienfoo is also excellent in Little Cup as a Choice Scarf pivot.

Come on, show Riolu some love. Though I like Lucario better, to be honest.

Judo! If you ever train in it and see the legends from the art: Jigoro Kano (creator), Masahiko Kimura, Ronda Rousey (not a fan), Gene LeBell, and watch how they slam each other following up with ground game. It's such a great art.
Throh deserves to be higher based on just the art he represents. OSS.

This Pokémon is a huge buff for the infamous Farfetch'd, which was a really bad Pokémon. This Pokémon has a 135 base attack and access to great coverage moves such as First Impression, Leaf Blade, Meteor Assault, Brave Bird, Swords Dance, etc.