Top 10 Best Pokemon Episodes

Pokémon is a 1997 anime series based on the video game franchise of the same name. Each of the series follows Ash Ketchum, a Pokémon trainer who goes on a journey with his Pikachu to become a Pokémon Master.
The Top Ten
Island of the Giant Pokemon

I really liked this episode because you could actually understand what the Pokemon were talking about. Both Team Rocket and their Pokemon had to work with Ash and his friends, which was just pretty original! The ending also had a twist, which makes you wonder what happens to poor Team Rocket...

This is the best one by far! The Pokemon conversation is amazing. Charmander was so scared he was abandoned again. Plus, the twist at the end is actually a decent twist that makes all the clues make sense. I really wish there were more episodes with Pokemon subtitles!

Pokemon, I Choose You!

It is the best episode ever because Ash wants his first Pokemon, and then he gets up late!

It is really good and funny. It explains a lot too. It should be higher on the list!

I liked the dub of this better than the sub. It has more feels, in my opinion.

Gotta Catch Ya Later

You've gotta admit that although this is sad, it still feels good to watch this episode. Unlike the newer episodes, "Gotta Catch Ya Later" gives us a tearful goodbye to Misty. May and Max's goodbye wasn't very heartfelt, and in the Black and White ending, it didn't seem as if Ash really missed Iris and Cilan. But in this episode, they give us a great ending.

1. We get a sweet and gentle song from Misty.
2. We see Ash actually showing his emotions for Misty.
3. And then in the end, you come to find out the real reason Misty stayed with Ash.

These are the reasons why I liked this episode. Besides Dawn and Brock's goodbye, the newer goodbyes didn't feel the same. Especially since the newer characters didn't have a real relationship with Ash and basically felt like just plain old replacements for the departing characters. If you don't like this goodbye, though, I can understand, but hear me: no goodbye is as sad as this one.

Charizard Chills

Ash's Charizard is frozen by a Poliwrath's Ice Beam. Ash works all night to warm Charizard up. Charizard thinks about all the things Ash has done for it since it was a Charmander. It regains its trust in its trainer. BEST EPISODE EVER!

This episode is my favorite. Ash's Charizard (arguably Ash's strongest Pokemon) finally listens to Ash and becomes loyal to him thereafter.

Best episode because of Charizard being nice to Ash! Sad that Ash left him not long after...

Charmander the Stray Pokemon

When I saw this episode, I cried. This episode is a tragi-comedy. A tragi-comedy is a sad movie with a happy ending.

Very sweet episode. Sad, has a good ending, and is light-hearted. Perfect. #1

A sweet episode that sets off one of Ash's most used Pokemon throughout the series.

Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!

Ash is meant for Serena, and her reaction just proved her feelings. It also shows in episode 13, though I'm not going to give it away. You will see what I mean.

These two episodes just drew me in. Ash looked so epic and seemed somewhat older, and the ending with Serena... I just really enjoyed it!

These episodes dragged me back to watch the anime since the Advance Generation. Why? Great animation, loved the XY games, the Kalos region itself is awesome, and of course, Serena.

Ash Catches a Pokemon

A well-done character-developing episode, from Misty's hilarious bug hate to Caterpie's grit and determination. I especially love the conversation between Caterpie and Pikachu by moonlight - it's so cute, and the music is beautiful and fitting. Call me a 23-year-old sap, but I tear up watching Caterpie dream of flying by the moonlight. Even the supposed weakest of us are allowed to dream big.

The scene with Pikachu and Caterpie conversing is honestly the cutest and most heartfelt moment of the series, especially considering that Butterfree will go away later on.

Bye Bye Butterfree

For the first time, it shows Ash willing to sacrifice his dreams for his Pokemon to have a better life.

This episode is the best! Everyone I knew who watched this cried. These are the kind of episodes that you remember.

I swear, this episode didn't leave a single dry eye. We love you, Butterfree! You will be missed!

Pikachu's Goodbye

I was 14, I knew he was gonna stay with Ash, and I still bawled my eyes out. It has a powerful message: that friendship can never be broken up. No matter how big or small the bond between friends is, it changed my outlook on life itself. All of my ex-friends are still my friends, and that is why I love this episode dearly.

I can't get over this amazing episode. Even though I've seen it over 15 times, it is the best episode for sure. It shows the strong bond between Ash and his Pikachu, saying they can never be parted.

I was so sad because I thought they were really going to split up. I cried when they showed the flashbacks of Ash and Pikachu's friendship.

Can't Beat the Heat

The best battle in the series! Sorry D&P fans, but this one shows everything: Ash has developed not only as a trainer but as a person as well. He used his best Pokémon, Charizard, to take out three Pokemon! And that is saying a lot.

Charizard vs. Blastoise - the best of all.

First time Ash doesn't use Pikachu.

Ash vs. Gary is one of the best battles I have ever seen.

Ash's best Pokemon proves why Ash is better than Gary. He takes out all of them in one hit, and only Blastoise put up much of a fight. This is why Charizard's the best, and Infernape's not. But Infernape's good too.

The Newcomers

? Brave the Wave
? Sharpedo Attack!
The Contenders
Piplup, Pansage, and a Meeting of the Times!

DAWN RULES! She actually made Black and White worthwhile for a few episodes. Thank you, Dawn, for helping out a sad series.

I only like this episode because of Meloetta. I do not like Dawn or her Piplup.

Firstly, Dawn. Secondly, Dawn. And last but not least, Dawn.

Attack of the Prehistoric Pokemon

My favorite episode as a child and today. See Aerodactyl and Kabutops, Gary appearance, Team Rocket at its best, and Charizard evolves. My favorite episode and the only one I've memorized completely.

This is my favorite episode. For the first time, you see an extremely powerful Pokemon in the series. Plus, Charizard is my favorite Pokemon ever.

Not only did Charmeleon evolve, but the gang also found an egg that will soon be one of the cutest Pokemon - Togepi!

Espeon Not Included

This should really be higher. This is the best episode I could ever imagine. Put it in the top 5, please! Why is it this low?

Mystery at the Lighthouse

The meaning of life is divulged in this episode.

The Legend of Thunder Parts 1-3

The Legend of Thunder special is one of my favorite special episodes (both Japanese and English versions) along with some other Chronicles episodes that are not on this list yet.

At first, I thought it said The Legend of Thunder Pants!

The Song of Jigglypuff

I love Jigglypuff. Another episode I love is when Ash goes to get the fire badge and the gym leader is disguised and tells them all riddles. It even has Jigglypuff in it!

I loved Jigglypuff in this episode! This also marked the beginning of Jigglypuff's adventure!

Easily the best. Team Rocket's song was awesome.

Go West, Young Meowth

This is a very moving episode that shows Meowth's past, how he was rejected again and again, and how he ended up joining a street gang. It also shows how Meowth learned to walk and talk and what prompted him to join Team Rocket. Then, in the present, Team Rocket saves Meowth from the street gang with an awesome song!

I love this episode. It finally gave me an answer to why Meowth can talk, and it did so in a great way. One of the most emotional episodes out there, and it shows how much Jessie and James actually care about Meowth.

Friend or Foe Alike
Abra and the Psychic Showdown

Sabrina is one of the most complex and tragic gym leaders I've seen. At first, she seems cold and cruel, but when you hear her backstory, you really feel it.

Dittos Mysterious Mansion

Check out the EX Delta Species cards of Ditto. They play on Ditto's inability to change its face, just like in this classic episode. Definitely one of the best episodes about one of the most iconic Pokemon.

Funniest episode ever.

Jessie wanted Ditto to transform into a Dratini, but Ditto transformed into the book itself and other stuff instead. The funniest part was when Ash, Brock, Misty, and the girl did the Team Rocket motto. The girl said to ignite the people within our nation, and Brock said double double. When Meowth was supposed to say That's right, Pikachu appeared and said, Pika Pika! Then, when Team Rocket was pissed off, James corrected the ignite part.

The Name's N
Haunter vs Kadabra

Truly epic. This episode is a huge favorite of mine!

My personal favorite. This one's too funny!

Hoenn Alone
The Flame Pokémon-athon!

This episode is the only one where a man rides an Electrode like Super Monkey Ball. He is a true inspiration.

It's amazing, and Emma and I love it because it is the best episode ever. Yay! We like Rapidash a lot.

Dig Those Diglett!
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