Top 10 Worst Pokemon of All Time

The most useless pokemon can be found in the list below.
The Top Ten
Unown Unown is a Psychic type Pokémon from the Johto region, taking on the form of letters and punctuation. It is often considered the weakest Pokémon, with low stats and access to only one move, Hidden Power (which can be learnt by nearly every Pokémon anyway)

And you know what's worse about Unown? In one of the more recent games, Legends: Arceus, they're hidden all over the overworld, and it's probably one of the reasons why I dislike the postgame of that game so much. They're basically begging you to catch every Pokémon in order for completion, which is why I tend to skip all of the wisps during the main story and the extra postgame content.

Besides, what significance do the Unown have for the Hisui region besides catching all alphabetical forms? I'll tell you. Nothing. Probably because the Solaceon Ruins is no longer a dungeon and is now a point of exposition. All the times I spent charging around on Wyrdeer looking for interesting Pokémon led to nothing.

Unown still sucks in battle and only exists to waste space in pastures. Legends: Arceus is a good game, but they really did push in unnecessary content for completion, minus the "Daybreak" update.

Magikarp Magikarp, known in Japan as Koiking, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise. It resembles an orange fish with whiskers. It was created by Ken Sugimori, Magikarp first appeared in the video games Pokémon Red and Blue and subsequent sequels. It is a water type that evolves... read more

The key to Magikarp is giving it EXP Share, then waiting for it to evolve into Gyarados. In OR and AS, Magikarp can learn Bounce, which is a real attack, not a stupid Splash attack or a Tackle attack that only works at low levels. Every Gyarados needs to know Aqua Tail, Ice Fang, and Dragon Dance. The last move can be optional, like Bounce for STAB (get it from Magikarp) or Giga Impact for the best normal type attack. Gyarados can also learn Earthquake, Stone Edge, Iron Tail, Dragon Tail, and Crunch. Basically, the only way to win a battle with Magikarp is to teach it Bounce, and you can only do that in OR or AS.

Jynx Jynx, known in Japan as Rougela, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise. She is known as one of the more humanoid pokemon.

Jynx can't take a good physical hit. She's fast and very powerful with special moves, though. Every Jynx must know Ice Beam and Water Pulse. I usually like supplementary moves like Psychic and Focus Blast, but I have used the combo of Lovely Kiss and Dream Eater.

I don't hate Jynx, but I like it the least. There are many theories about this Pokemon, such as it being based off Yama-Uba (sorry if I butchered that), or it's racist, etc. But it offended so many people. So much pain and anger could've been avoided if this Pokemon was never created.

Metapod Metapod, known in Japan as Transel, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

If you want a Butterfree on your team, I suggest you catch him as a Caterpie because if you catch a Metapod right away, his only move will be Harden, and you can't teach him anything else until he evolves. This makes him extremely hard to train if you lack an Exp. Share. Ralts has the same problem, unfortunately...

Ace Trainer Randy has challenged you to a battle. He sent out Metapod! Go Metapod! Use Harden! *90 days later* Ace Trainer Randy used Harden!

Yup, that's it. Apparently, it just hardens itself if you know what I mean. And right when your opponent's Metapod runs out of PP... Opponent: Good thing I have 95 Ethers! Now that would be a pain in the face! Bottom Line: Kids, stay away from Metapods!

Luvdisc Luvdisc, known in Japan as Lovecus, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

The worst. There are a lot of fish that Nintendo included to make their less impressive bug Pokémon look better. Magikarp, Feebas, Goldeen, etc., are like the nerds that even Caterpie and Weedle can pick on.

Just like real nerds, some can grow into something awesome and powerful, like Gyarados, while others, though not excelling, will at least become somewhat capable and grow into themselves, like Seaking. Then there are the ones who never quite move past it, desperately clinging onto nothing and hiding away from life. These are the Luvdiscs. They desperately need to evolve but instead are stuck being useless from level 1 to 100.

Bidoof Bidoof, known in Japan as Bippa, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

In Diamond, this Pokémon annoyed me so much. It was my first Pokémon game, and I had this weird belief that using five Pokémon in your team would be better than six because catching something would instantly add it to your team. My team consisted of Dialga, Torterra, Staraptor, Machamp, and Floatzel - a pretty normal team. I only figured out that six is better than five when I started the Elite Four, and by then, I had no other high-leveled, strong Pokémon.

So, I used a Bidoof as a type of suicide bomber to see what Cynthia sent out first. I never realized that this level 3 (ugly, by the way) thing would be right in the middle of my Hall of Fame picture. Plus, Bidoofs are ugly and appear all the time. Bibarel's design is even worse. Both are really weak.

Abra Abra is a character from Pokemon. It started out in Pokemon Red & Green (Blue version for outside Japan) version, and was one of the first psychic type Pokemon you could run into. It sleeps for 18 hours a day and teleports if it senses danger. Its only move it can learn by level up is teleport (which... read more

Okay, Abra... I'm relying on you. Teleport... oh no, not this again. I once read that Alakazam's head is so big, it uses telekinesis to keep it up. Must've been the comments going to Abra's head.

It has the same problem as Magikarp. It sucks in its first form. But it gets brilliant as it evolves. I once had both a Gyarados and Alakazam on my team. And I didn't even have to use my other Pokémon.

They are really hard to catch without Quick Balls, but Mega Alakazam... man, when you face that thing, you wish you were never born.

Pikachu Pikachu (Japanese: ピカチュウ) are a species of Pokémon, fictional creatures that appear in an assortment of video games, animated television shows and movies, trading card games, and comic books licensed by The Pokémon Company, a Japanese corporation. A mascot of the Pokemon franchise, it's... read more

I have been looking at Pikachu on Bulbapedia, and I realized how extremely overrated he is! Pikachu has a base stat of 300. You know who also has a base stat of 300? Geodude, the stupidest rock type out there. Not to mention that Pikachu has a terrible HP stat of 35, his even worse defense stat of 30, his bad attack stat of 55, and his specials aren't even very good! His only good stat is speed, and it isn't even that useful.

The one thing that makes me lose my marbles is that everyone doesn't evolve their Pikachu into a Raichu. Why! Raichu is Pikachu 2.0. He is cuter, he is stronger, and he also kicks Pikachu's butt in the anime. This Pokemon isn't as bad as Luvdisc or Garbodor or something. But he is my least favorite because of how people adore this little piece of crap and go out of their way to say it is the best Pokemon of all time.


You hate them, and they're ugly. Even though Mega Beedrill is UU with adaptability and high speed and attack, it may not apply to Kakuna. If you try to make that argument about the entire line, then it's fair game. We're talking about the worst Pokemon here, not least favorite.

How is this lower than Metapod? At least it evolves into a decent Pokemon. Kakuna is useless, and Beedrill isn't even worth it.

According to the Pokedex, Kakuna can't even move. All it can do is harden. But at least it evolves into Beedrill.


I thought this was an angler fish Pokemon, but it was given an awful design. I was supposed to be a water Pokemon, but it's a ground and electric type instead. This looks like some kind of hybrid between a fish and a pancake. I will avoid this Pokemon at all costs, even through Wonder Trade.

The reason it lives in water is because it wants to die. Guess what: it's weak to water, and it's found in water. It's ugly and has a horrible cry. And for all these existing reasons.

It isn't a great fish Pokémon (resembling a flounder), and it just looks weird to me (not ugly, but weird), so it's uncomfortable to look at. The sounds consist of fart-like noises, but I think that's how the makers of this Pokémon intended it to sound.

It actually is native to waterways (seas, rivers, etc.) and won't come on land often unless caught by someone. In my opinion, it's not the worst, but it's not the best either.

The Newcomers

? Parasect

Why wasn't this abomination here before? It is without a doubt one of the worst fully evolved Pokémon.

I mean, just look at that hideous movepool and pathetic typing combined with super mediocre stats. Give it the Dry Skin ability, and it gets a 5x weakness to fire. Parasect? More like Parasucked.

? Volbeat
The Contenders

Like Magikarp, except Magikarp can learn Tackle and it evolves into something useful.

Silcoon is a spam Pokemon. There are too many cocoon Pokemon and all they do is harden. It's really stupid, weak, and annoying.

Silcoon is more useful than a Metapod, but Silcoon is still a turd.


I thought Cascoon would be an amazing Pokemon! I thought Dustox was cool in the anime until I made the biggest mistake ever.

It has worse stats than Metapod and only knows Harden and String Shot. It can't even fight!

So many cocoon Pokemon in this world!

Garbodor Garbodor, known in Japan as Dustdas, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise introduced in Generation V. It is categorized as the Trash Heap Pokémon.

When I first laid eyes on this abomination, I felt empathy for it. When you look into its eyes, all you see is suffering and sorrow because it knows it's garbage. It didn't ask to be made out of half-eaten fast food and used diapers. It is just the horrible joke of a cruel god, sent to wander the earth in pain until some saint puts it out of its misery. That is its only goal in life: to die.

There is no defending this. I can live with Trubbish because at least he is cute. I don't know who thought this was a good idea. All I think about when I see this is taking out the trash, and the bag bursting open all over the driveway.


While it isn't terrible or anything, it's still very weak and possibly the worst Pokémon from Gen 2. I even think Farfetch'd is stronger than it. The problem isn't Present, but rather its stats.

Delibird uses Present. Delibird uses Present. Delibird uses Present. The opponent's active Pokemon was healed.

Delibird does nothing besides Present, which is more useless than Harden. So, this stupid thing deserves number 1.


Awful! He's ugly, and don't even get me started on what he evolves into. What! Why did Game Freak think this would be a good design for a kid's game?! Here's how I imagine it: Girlfriend: Hey, guys! You know that rodent everyone despises? We should make a Pokémon version of that and put it on drugs! Rest of Crew: Best idea ever! How could Game Freak create such a disaster?!

Alright, even with my love for Unova, I still can't stand this thing. I mean, it's really annoying, since both it and its evolution are everywhere in Unova. It also just looks weird. I don't really like rodent Pokémon.


Who would win? A level 100 Sunkern or a level 100 Magikarp? Well, Sunkern has access to Grass-type moves like Giga Drain (I believe), but if Magikarp survives the hit (which he most likely will due to Sunkern's 30 attack stat), he can Flail Sunkern to death afterwards. And if Sunkern attempts to OHKO the Magikarp, Focus Sash is the way to go for the fish. Then he can Flail. So, yeah. Sunkern, a Pokemon with a type advantage, is too weak to beat Magikarp.

Okay, by far the worst Pokemon! I mean, even Magikarp could beat this. How is it not number 1! It has the worst base stats, evolves into a flower, and looks utterly horrible. Unown has better base stats than this. It's actually official that Sunkern has the lowest base stats in the whole game. If you find a shiny Magikarp, you get really excited because that's one of the best shinies in the game. But when you get a shiny Sunkern, you want to release it because it looks exactly the same...


That thing is so disgusting! I don't know why those kindergarteners in the anime wanted it so badly anyway, but then Ash was supporting them? Talk about stupid Pokémon AND protagonist.

This thing makes Luvdisc and Magikarp look like gods. Magikarp still sucks, and Luvdisc sucks also. At least Garbodor has Toxic Spikes, Gunk Shot, and Explosion and has Aftermath. Please don't make it up just to prove your point.

Hey, we all have to admit the only good thing about Trubbish is its shiny variant. Its deep purple color looks awesome.


So scientists created this, right? Could they do no better than a water droplet with exposed balls and stats that all the other Pokemon laugh at?

This is not kid-friendly. Everyone, just keep this thing away from children because it looks like it has inappropriate features.

Weather Ball is cool, but I can't stand to look at the 'weather balls' it sports.

Weedle Weedle, known in Japan as Beedle, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

Back in 1st gen, this bug was the worst nightmare of beginners. With Bulbasaur, poison ailment shouldn't be the issue. With Charmander and Squirtle, this will hurt a lot. They have limited money to purchase antidotes. Pokémon centers are a long hike from Viridian Forest. Walking with poisoned Pokémon was a pet peeve of all Pokémon fans. In later Pokémon games, these bugs are no longer an issue.

Why are you treating Weedle like your god? It's just... Weedle. Sure, he can poison you, and Beedrill has a Mega, but Mega Butterfree has got to be just around the corner! Where's the love for Caterpie?

Feebas Feebas, known in Japan as Hinbass, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

Just because Feebas evolves into Milotic doesn't change the fact that Feebas itself is awful. It has terrible stats in general, though its speed isn't bad for a first-stage Pokemon. Speed alone won't get you very far, though. Good luck winning any battles with Feebas, and nearly all of its Pokedex entries comment on its ugliness - and it is ugly, even if Milotic isn't. Furthermore, it is a major pain to find. That isn't really worth it!

What if Milotic didn't exist? Then we would all hate Feebas. Most of us just like Feebas because it evolves into Milotic. Feebas is even known as the ugly Pokemon in the Pokedex. Feebas is so ugly that it tries to wear makeup and eyeliner to cover up the ugliness. Look at this thing!

Caterpie Caterpie, known in Japan as Caterpie, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

Caterpie is the worst Pokemon I have ever observed. I hate every bug Pokemon, except Butterfree and Heracross and some others. But Caterpie is the worst one of them all.

I caught a Scyther in a bug-catching contest. Guess what? I lost to a Caterpie. What kind of nonsense is that?

Caterpie is okay, but when you get Gyarados, you don't need it anymore. Sorry to everyone who loves Caterpie.


Although the Pokemon has arguably the best ability in the entire game, it has far too many common weaknesses, such as fire and rock, especially due to the new mega evolutions of Charizard and Tyranitar, making these Pokemon even more common.

Shedinja's incredible ability, Wonder Guard, does not completely make up for the fact that it only has one HP. In fact, its ability is the only thing that makes this feeble, one HP-possessing Pokémon somewhat usable.

If you switch it into a sandstorm or hail, it doesn't even get a chance to attack. Game Freak needs to change Wonder Guard and combine it with Magic Guard.


What's its catch? A stick! Oh boy, laugh out loud. It also has horrible base stats. At least it has a unique name, I guess. If it had an evolution, I'd choose it over a Magikarp though.

This Pokemon had the stats of a completely unevolved Pokemon, but now, it has the stats of a good completely unevolved Pokemon. Hurray!

Dang, this guy was level 100 and got one-shotted by a fighting type Pokemon!

Muk Muk, known in Japan as Betbeton, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

This should be in the top 5. It really should. You know what this thing is? Sludge. And do you know what sludge is? Decomposing feces. And you think that literal crap is more disgusting than a bag of garbage. Generation 1 fanboys, take note. There have always been Pokemon based off gross things (or whatever you want to call them). There have always been Pokemon based off food and other objects. There have always been Pokemon that are rip-offs of Pikachu. Stop criticizing the new Pokemon for stuff that the old ones are also guilty of!

Ditto Ditto, known in Japan as Metamon, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

This species of Pokémon looks very unattractive. To me, it looks very unpleasant. Also, the only special move it has compared to other Gen 1 species is Transform, but that's the only move it has.

Yeah, the pink blob looks a little similar to tubby custard but can transform into anything.

This little jerk never obeys. If he did, he would have been a great Pokémon.

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