Top 10 Coolest Looking Pokemon
These are the Pokémon that make you stop and say, "Wow, now that's cool." Maybe it's their fierce design, their otherworldly vibe, or the way they seem like they've walked straight out of a fantasy novel. Some Pokémon stand out not just because they're strong or iconic but because they look incredible. They might ooze power, mystery, or just straight-up style.
Giratina was a Pokemon god! Guys, you have to believe me. Giratina is the second Pokemon living and the first being Arceus. He can create black holes because he is the antimatter god, and he knows Destiny Bond, which kills you when you defeat Giratina.
(Giratina wouldn't be defeated anyway except if the opponent is Arceus.)
Giratina is sick for its shiny, and its face is so cool. But I thought Charizard was going to win, but I chose Giratina, which is cooler.
The gold contrasts the glowing red so nicely, and those beautiful black wings with the grey, and the spikes... It doesn't get much better.

I thought Charizard couldn't look any cooler, then I saw this guy. Black and blue? Those are my two favorite colors! Blue fire? Burns more than orange flames! Shoulder spikes? Badass as hell! Out to destroy? Scary!
I'm glad I picked this badass over Yzard.
I think Mega Charizard X is the better mega of the two, as he does as much damage but doesn't do self-damage like Mega Charizard Y. He also has endless flames coming out of the ends of his mouth, which looks sick!
He's a jet-black dragon that breathes blue-hot fire, flies, destroys, has horns, is rare, and is powerful as heck! I think that speaks for itself.

It looks so good, so powerful, and doesn't need a Mega Stone to Mega Evolve. What could be better than that?
And how did Mega Charizard X and Mewtwo overtake us?
Why is this not top 3? Most of the Pokemon "above" Rayquaza look like garbage and have no effort put into their art, just like Gliscor, Scizor, and Weavile.
He should be top 3, hands down.
Mega Rayquaza is TOTALLY the best Pokemon ever. They should have put this first.

This guy is amazing! I love his normal, attack, and speed forms. The only form that I don't like is defense, but the other forms totally make up for it!
Deoxys is my favorite Pokemon ever and should be number one on this list, and NOBODY can change my mind.
He is the only Pokemon with 4 different forms and he can regenerate himself. Watch the movie and see for yourself.

Sorry Arceus, (I don't care what anyone thinks) but Mewtwo is still the king of all Pokemon, and every real Pokemon fan knows it! Remember when having a Mewtwo made you the coolest kid in class? Well, there's a reason for that.
Mewtwo, you're a legend. Literally.
Nothing can beat the look of white and purple dragon design! Mewtwo is the king of the best-looking Pokemon and a beast of psychic. Because, Mewtwo is a great-looking psychic Saiyan who can make himself Super Saiyan or more powerful forms.
The first legendary Pokemon. Everything in Pokemon's Generation 1 is badass - Giovanni, Green, Red. And not to mention Mewtwo.
Can't believe that this monster was born from Mew.

I know how to draw it! I also know how to draw Xerneas, by the way. It's just too cool. I want to draw it out. Come on, dudes! He's just too cool! A life-sucking cool dude that kills the bad, dumb Pikachu!
(By the way, I hate Xerneas so much I'm going to die because Xerneas makes Pikachu be alive again. Frustrating!)
Greatest of all time. Should be #1. He's a giant death bird. When I showed Yveltal to my little brother, he just stared at him, mouth drooling, for the next day.
It's a death bird. You can't get cooler than that. As for Arceus, most who voted for him were basing it off of power and being the alpha.

How can you not love it? Its calm, meaningful demeanor combines cool, beautiful, and majestic qualities. Even when the whole world may shun it, it still fights to protect us and in style. It's like an angel. And don't even get me started on its Mega.
A stunning angel of disaster, that's what I would say to describe this. Regal, yet tough-looking at the same time, who wouldn't love this magnificent beast? Absol's grace and "alpha-wolf" look definitely score it a good spot on this list.
If you simply gaze into those eyes, you can tell this Pokemon will defend you with their life. They will stay with you through life's hardest times, always understanding how you feel.

It's obviously a giant scorpion, and it literally looks like it could grab a steel bar and snap it in seconds. What else do you need me to say?
I call Gliscor wizard man. I just LOVE Gliscor from the very first time I met him.
He's a nightmare-bat-crab that could rip your throat out.

Scizor ups everything that's good about Scyther's design. It's one of the most difficult Pokemon to get (as of Gen 7 at least) and a monster when used for battling. Its attack stat often overtakes its HP!
Man, this Pokemon looks amazing. I think it should be around the top 5 areas because not only does it look cool, but it also has great stats!
Scizor is my favorite, mainly because of its design and competitive viability. I've never had one on my team, and I really want one.

I think it's above Gliscor for sure, but I'm not sure about it being number one.
This thing should have a good ability that does something like Rough Skin.
The absolute coolest design in all of Pokemon. There's no contest.
The Newcomers

Such an amazing look! The idea was cool.

I love the colors and everything about it.
What is not to love about a flame bird?

It's super edgy. Its Shiny is great too. Just wish it didn't suck competitively.

Hey! Greninja is cool. In the series, he is badass like Ash's Snivy. This should be included in the top 5, though.
Greninja should be number one.
Hello, it has a tongue scarf thingy and has one move that no other Pokemon has: Water Shuriken!
Greninja all the way. What's not to like about it? It's a ninja that can throw Water Shurikens, and the battle bond...

Blue Temporal Dragon with steel spikes... Yeah, he's a badass. Screw some red lizard with wings and a flame on its tail. This was the first Pokemon I ever saw. Sorry, Pikachu, I saw Diamond before you.
Why is Dialga number 18? It should be like number 1 or 2!
Steel Dragon, a first. How could it not be cool?

Definitely the best design with those awesome red and gold lines, controls sunlight as if in the desert, and is the best teammate to double battle with. A legend so good, crybabies complained to GameFreak, causing them to downgrade it. Too overpowering.
No wonder Team Magma wanted to use it to rule the world.
My favorite Pokemon. I battled a level 50 Groudon and a level 99 Gengar. Precipice Blades totally killed it in one shot, boom! When it's in its Primal evolution, it even beats a Primal Kyogre. So powerful!
Groudon is one of those Pokemon that you think of as a later version of Charizard! One of my favorite Pokemon by far!

Use your imagination here. What if you saw one while outside, and then you suddenly felt tired and collapsed? You would definitely die if you encountered one. Also, if you did get nightmares, according to Bulbapedia, it would be attracted to them, and you would keep getting nightmares, then eventually, death.
Darkrai, even though it isn't obtainable in the games except through cheats, should at least be in the top 10 with its beautiful flowing white hair and eyes of death. With it levitating, it can deal good damage and still have the looks to wow and kill at the same time.

Weavile looks a bit weird. I mean, who has such big ears?

Looks amazing. Deserves to be in the top ten.

He's the strongest and coolest fighting Pokemon I've ever seen or heard of! He's been my favorite since the beginning and still is today. He's so awesome! Plus, his Mega evolution is amazing!
He is a boss, being able to sense the aura of other Pokemon and foresee his foes' actions before they happen. Not to mention great stats.
One of the first featured in Smash Bros, got its own movie, and has that sleek, foxy look. No wonder you just want one.

Coolest hands down, dragon look, most popular, one of the first Pokemon to grace the cover of a game multiple times. Especially since it learned Fly, who wouldn't want to fly on a cool fire Pokemon like Charizard? And it can Mega Evolve? Did I mention Gigantamax? Also, it was given to you in Pokemon Yellow. Who can beat that?
Finally, it's the only starter in Sword/Shield, featured as the champ's Pokemon. I'm done here.
Charizard is the first Pokemon that was ever classified as COOL! Most of you people who started at Gen 4 don't get how the players of the 1st Gen are dominant for one reason, and one reason only... Charizard! Thank you 6th Gen for adding Mega Charizard X and Y!

Think about it. He's a fire type, a dog, and is massive! What more could you want?
Not to mention, his base stats in the game are off the charts for a non-legendary.
A giant fire dog that can be ridden by humans. Probably known as the most loyal Pokemon and is awesome, not to mention it is the strongest fire Pokemon out of all the games.
It's a big red dog-type thing. Why wouldn't you like it?! And I don't mean Clifford.

Ok, come on, Arceus is the BEST. It created the Pokemon world! With no Arceus, there would be no other Pokemon! Vote for this Pokemon. It definitely should be first! Woo, I LOVE Arceus! He/She is the best Pokemon!
God Pokemon! He can just change his type, so he gets super effective on the opponent Pokemon. He's OP in a good way, and he looks cool too.
Arceus is obviously the best. They created all the awesome Pokemon that are on this list! They deserve to be first!

Some say the design is overdone, but there's a reason for that. And the reason is that it's EPIC!
It's a chicken that cooks itself! How cool is that?! But jokes aside, Mega Blaziken has a pretty epic design. This may be kind of opinionated because Torchic was my first Pokemon, but Blaziken is by far the coolest (or hottest, I guess) starter!
Then they went and gave it a mega evolution, making an already overpowered fighting chicken even better! It's awesome!
How can you not love it? It is so cool, has good stats, an awesome moveset, and many other things. I could go on and on about it!
Next time someone calls you a chicken, take it as a compliment.

Come on, everybody wanted a Gengar at some stage. I mean, look at this thing.
From the opening scene of Pokemon, it shone its freaky face into our little lives and is just awesome!
Gengar is super cool. He never stops smiling.
Mega Shiny Gengar I adore so much because the color combined with the smile looks so good on him.
My first ghost Pokemon, the funniest Pokemon I have ever seen in my life!

This guy was my starter since my parents accidentally got Crystal instead of Red version. His stats are on par with the original fire starter, Charizard, and he learns Eruption now. Plus, he's got the speed to use it.
He's such a rogue with the blue fur rather than the boring and expected red or orange. The yellow underbelly complements the blue so respectively. His ability to turn his fur mane on and off is maybe his coolest feature.
#1 in my opinion.
You see that flame and you know it's ready to battle. How is that not cool?
That look on its face lets them know it's ready to beat them up. How can you pass on that?