Top 10 Worst Pokemon Moments

The Top Ten
Misty and Brock leave

Before I knew Pokémon was all one big series, I was always busy watching Pokémon X and Y. One day, my brothers came into my room and saw me watching it. They became really mad, turned the TV off, and told me to watch the old series. So, I looked up the old series on Poké and immediately fell in love with the characters. Seeing them go on such amazing adventures and growing closer every time made me happy. Brock, Misty, and Ash were like a team. They stuck together. It always made me excited to watch the next episode.

The next day, while looking up what episode was next, I found "Gotta Catch Ya Later." I watched the episode and found out it was a goodbye episode. I was so sad watching it that I couldn't help but cry. The thought of seeing the characters you grew so close to go away was overwhelming. Ash crying, Misty's tearful song, it all made my emotions overwhelm. Even though Brock stayed, the series didn't feel the same. May was too whiny, Max was mean, Iris was a smart mouth, and Bonnie was too stereotypical. Unlike Misty's little crush on Ash, Serena was just a crazy fangirl. I kinda liked Dawn but still missed Misty. When Brock left, I was furious, especially when he got replaced by an annoying green-haired moron!

Sooner or later, after a year or so, I finished the whole series with my brothers except for X and Y. My brothers said I could now watch X and Y, but I told them I didn't want to. They asked why, and I said I didn't want to because it would never be the same watching all these annoying replacements instead of the real thing. I said I didn't want to see the new stupid Ash instead of the old happy one. I told them I didn't want to see the new Team Rocket instead of the old funny one. I told them that now, I was done watching Pokémon for good. They said they didn't blame my choice and felt the same way.

Going through a cave and battling Rattatas, Zubats, and Geodudes every 2 seconds

I am pretty sure that Repels were made for caves. Do we all want to catch Zubats? Not really. Come on, Game Freak, there are much better and LESS common Pokémon to put in a cave. Once I walked into a cave and couldn't use Flash because a Zubat defeated my level 5 Togepi.

This is my biggest problem. I'm trying to play a Crystal Nuzlocke, and all these dumb Geodude keep showing up! I'm literally lost, and I haven't made it to the first gym because I'm scared to go in the cave.

Stuck in a cave? Trainers everywhere? No escape ropes? No Pokémon with Dig? No repels? You're practically screwed.

The RageCandyBar guy

I didn't know you were supposed to go to the Radio Tower and stop Team Rocket. I went to the Olivine Lighthouse, and I went everywhere else he said. Nothing.

Really? Oh, here's a RageCandyBar! Oh, you want another? Sorry, I'm out. *Try to sneak by him* WHOA WHOA WHAT ARE YOU DOING? No RageCandyBar for you. I was thankful when I finally passed this guy. I've only been to Mahogany Town once since then, and only to take a picture with Pryce.

Fainting a Pokemon that you want to catch

I wasted 5 hours trying to get a stupid Ralts because I kept killing them off. I got my starter to level 40 by that time, and it refused to obey me until I got the next badge.

I hate this! I wanted to catch a Combee for Wonder Trade, and I made it faint. But then I caught one later and got a Scraggy in return. Scraggy is adorable, and I'm really close to mine now.

I killed my Scraggy on Route 4 in Pokémon Black version. I really wanted one.

Your main Pokemon faints

You're fighting this really hard Pokémon or trainer with your number one Pokémon, and all seems well. Then suddenly, BOOM! He uses Sheer Cold on your main star, and he's out cold, leaving you with only your much, much weaker other team of Pokémon available.

Your reaction: I'M GONNA DIEEE!

My level 100 Lugia will destroy everything!
I don't even need to train my other Pokémon!
Champion sent out level 100 Jolteon!
Jolteon used Thunder!
Lugia faints.

I found this Pokémon game, and all the Pokémon were 20 levels apart, and the best Pokémon fainted. OH CRUD!

Squirtle leaves

I love Ash's Squirtle's cool personality. When he left, I was actually going to cry!

Yay, man. He's like a Pokémon bad boy.

This makes me sad and mad.

Trainer battles everywhere

Well, I do agree it's pretty annoying! But at least it makes your Pokémon very strong!

I don't wanna battle! I only have one Pokemon left, it's poisoned, and has 1 HP left!

Takes gun and shoots self. Survives. Does it again. Dies.

You're stuck trying to catch a legendary Pokemon for hours

I gave up on catching Kyogre. I spent several hours trying to catch the jerk.

Another legendary that pisses me off is the legendary birds in X and Y! You have to encounter them 12 times before you can actually battle! The problem is, every time you change routes, cities, have a battle, fly, or basically do anything, they move their area! It's so hard to catch!

Yo, Zekrom, baby, come and face me... One hour later: "Gah, so close." "The Pokémon is free of the ball." Another hour: One Master Ball left after wasting all my Ultra Balls. What?!

Charmander evolves

To make things worse, Charizard is too overrated to be ignored and ruined the other Charizards'/Charmeleon's reputation and will inevitably overshadow Charmander forever. Poor little thing. They ruined a Pokémon with potential, turning it into a dragon with anger problems.

It makes me upset that Togepi got more screen time than Charmander. It feels like the show is missing something, and that's the lovable fire-breather who was replaced by the most overrated Pokémon.

WHY do they have to bring it back?! Why can't Ash have Torterra or something instead of Charizard in Black and White?

Teaching your Pokemon HM moves

Apparently, you CAN delete HM moves. They aren't permanent. You just need the Move Deleter, and apparently that's the only thing you can do.

Anyways, this really sucks, especially since I use HM slaves now and they take up my space.

Just needing HM moves in general sucks. We should just be able to fly with flying Pokémon, surf with Pokémon who can go on water, have a flashlight, rock climbing gear, etc.

I gave my second Vaporeon to my sister. It knows Surf and it can't be traded. The same thing happened with Onix. WHY! WHY!

The Newcomers

? Paul as Ash's new rival

Paul should have gotten his comeuppance for all of his despicable actions. He is trash, and Gary should have battled and defeated this emo loser to put him in his place.

Paul also deserves to be punched in the face.

Paul should have gotten his comeuppance for the way he treats Pokémon. He should have been disqualified as a Trainer, and any episode he was in was worth skipping.

He has weirdo fangirls, and if anything, Paul is complete and utter trash who deserves to be dragged to Hell by Satan.

? Ash and Serena kiss

This is essentially one of the worst scenes of this anime because it seems to me that Serena was mostly shipping bait for the series.

No, it was supposed to be Ash and Misty... Oh well, it's not as big a deal as it was years ago.

I like Serena, but Amourshipping in general feels forced. None of the Ashx ships will work.

The Contenders
Getting an awesome TM, then none of your Pokemon can learn it

WHY can't Dedenne learn Dazzling Gleam?! I really needed a Fairy-type move that was good for her, but she couldn't learn Dazzling Gleam! Come on, she is Electric/Fairy type, so Dedenne should be able to flash! It's so annoying when your Pokémon can't learn the move you want them to learn! Are they doing this on purpose?!

Yes! I got Thunderbolt! Okay, who can learn it? What? No one? Greninja, come on, other Water types can shoot lightning, why can't you? Seriously, Yveltal, you are a legendary. You should be able to shoot lightning!

You forget to save

Once, I caught a shiny. I was so excited I forgot to save afterwards. My mom came and told me to do homework. I shut my 2DS down, and while doing homework, I cried.

I've never done that. It must be painful!

I've accidentally forgotten to save my game on Alpha Sapphire. Don't worry, it wasn't much, but it was still painful, and I did heaps of work.

Trying to catch a legendary Pokemon but you run out of Pokéballs

I know the feeling! By the way, what he means is that a Masterball has a really low chance of failing. I saw some people have it fail, and I finally thought, "Wow, I guess my luck really isn't that bad."

While roaming Johto in Crystal, I saw a Raikou. I decided to use my Ultra Ball, but when I looked into my bag, I HAD NO BALLS!

That's why you always save next to them.

Alain beats Ash

Alain was wedged into the series out of nowhere like somebody's black-and-red pony OC, and he just basically spammed Dragon Claw 15 times. Mega Charizard or not, how ON EARTH is that deplorable combo supposed to win?! Score one for Kanto pandering, 0 for the new gen.

Trying to get the shiny charm

Completing the national dex is just WAY too hard for me. I have a life, man!

Cilan crying because he is excited

In "An Epic Defense Force!", Cilan starts getting excited over movies. Then, the next thing you know, he's sitting on a bench with Ash, Iris, and Luke, crying as he wipes away his tears with a handkerchief. I'm thinking, "Wow, and I thought girls cried more easily."

I can't believe they replaced awesome Brock with the unnaturally green-haired monster he is.

Your shiny chain ends

Okay, 37 straight, let's go, Shiny Pikachu!
A wild Scatterbug appears!
This exact story happened to me yesterday.

Team Rocket's new mottos

"Listen, is that a voice I hear?" What, Jessie, do you have a hearing problem or something?

Stop acting like Season 1 and Misty/Brock are the only good things.

My babies... What have they done to you? Your voices are terrible!

You use a Master Ball on a Caterpie

Oh, a Pokéball that is guaranteed to catch a Pokémon. Let's use it on a worthless Caterpie.

Dawn leaves

I loved Dawn and Piplup. Then came Iris and Axew. Pokémon was ruined. And finally, Serena comes in. Thank God the show is still good.

I actually cared about this character. I hated Misty, was indifferent about May, then came the precursor to good girl protagonists.

Can't catch shiny Beldum
Ash's Lv. 100 Pikachu lost to Trip's Lv. 5 Snivy

Completely idiotic. Even without his Electric-type moves and being weakened by Zekrom, Pikachu should've stomped. One Iron Tail would've ended it if this fight was remotely realistic in terms of Pikachu's strength.

I saw that episode. Lemme explain: Pikachu got zapped by a Zekrom near the airport and water. Pikachu is such a wimp. 20 times more electricity should make you kill a Snivy in one shot. But no, you couldn't use Thunderbolt.

I was so enraged by this that I kept complaining about this episode and moment. I never watched this episode again.

Encountering a shiny legendary that runs out of PP and kills itself with Struggle

I had this happen once. I finally encountered a shiny Lugia, and all its moves had only five PP. So after twenty turns of trying to use my Ultra and Timer Balls on it, it ran out of all its PP, used Struggle, and killed itself! I was depressed.

Because of this, I had to try and catch Zygarde like 10 times.

Porygon getting blamed for what Ash's Pikachu/TRio did

Actually, it's neither Pikachu's fault nor Porygon's. Even though Pikachu did blow it up with Thunderbolt, if he hadn't, the missile would have hit something, causing the explosion and the seizures anyway. Therefore, electric attack or not, it would have blown up regardless due to contact with something. Pikachu and Porygon deserve an apology.

We should be mad at the people who made that episode and scene. It's actually a good thing I watched a video of someone reviewing some banned episodes because one day I came across that episode. But when the characters mentioned Porygon, I immediately switched to a different episode.

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