Top 10 Political References in Billy Joel's Song We Didn't Start the Fire

What a song!
Lyrics briefly retell a big share of the 20th century history, focusing on events between 1949 and 1989.
1949 - the year of Billy Joel's birth
1989 - the year of the song release

This list is a sequel to my lists:
Top 10 Famous People Mentioned in Billy Joel's song We Didn't Start The Fire
Top 10 Places Mentioned in Billy Joel's song We Didn't Start The Fire
Top 10 Music References in Billy Joel's song We Didn't Start The Fire
The Top Ten
1 J.F.K. blown away

I didn't include in this list individual politicians whose names were only listed in the song lyrics - these politicians can be found on the list Top 10 Famous People Mentioned in Billy Joel's song We Didn't Start The Fire

2 Watergate Scandal
3 British Politician Sex
4 Communist Bloc
5 Russians in Afghanistan
6 Red China
7 H-Bomb
8 England's got a new queen
9 China's under martial law
10 Trouble in the Suez

Suez is one of the governorates of Egypt. There is a seaport city located there, called Suez, and the Suez Canal

The Contenders
11 Belgians in the Congo
12 Terror on the airline
13 Bay of Pigs Invasion

It was a failed military invasion of Cuba undertaken by the Central Intelligence Agency in 1961

14 Mafia
15 Richard Nixon Back Again Richard Milhous Nixon was the 37th President of the United States from 1969 until his resignation in 1974, the only president to resign from office. He had previously served as the 36th Vice President of the United States from 1953 to 1961, and prior to that as a U.S. Representative and also Senator from California.
16 Ayatollah's in Iran
17 Dien Bien Phu Falls

Refers to the battle of Dien Bien Phu (in Vietnam)

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