Top 10 Reasons Why Political Parties in General Should Be Abolished

America's political parties include Republican, Democrat, Independent, etc. It's known that Democrats and Republicans oppose each other's policies. Here's why political parties in general need to be abolished.

This is not to be mistaken with Dark_Shadow's list called "Top 10 Problems With Both Democratic and Republican Parties" or any other list like that. Please note this list is NOT meant to attack anyone who follows either political ideology and if you disagree, I respect your opinion.

I'll be honest, formerly I was a Democrat, but I decided both parties are in the wrong and that political parties will just ruin America more. And no, I'm obviously NOT a Trump supporter
The Top Ten
1 They encourage black and white politics

Black and white politics ruin America because we can't have too much Democrats or too much Republican agenda. There needs to be a balance.

Which can cause racial controversy & cause people to argue about certain races & colors.

2 Both political parties always blame the other party when something bad happens

The country still in shambles? Blame the republicans! Lost the election? Blame the democrats? Racism? Blame the republicans? Illegal immigrants? Blame the democrats!

The question is not what are the problems with political parties. The question is more how can we replace it. So I am asking that to FlareLightX or anyone else, how can we replace it?

Democrats always blame Republicans for problems, and vise-versa. This is NOT how politics should work.
If political parties were abolished, this wouldn't be so much of an issue.

It's just pure political controversy from people & causes others to argue.

3 They stifle compromise

This is what everyone should be doing. Compromise always seem to be viewed with negative connotations but trust me, it's like a prisoner's dilemma. They may gain less from making compromises but it's better than one party gaining a substantial lead while the other falls behind or refusing to cooperate and achieving even less!

What happened to compromise? Instead of compromising, both parties always blame each other for problems and they never take responsibility. Compromising is a very important skills and you can't learn compromise with political parties ruining America

Which's stupid & politically wrong. We should never do these things.

4 They encourage bias

Definitely, they're trying to favor themselves over others (even if they themselves are worse) rather than engage in a civil debate on who should lead the country. Just ask CNN (Left) or Fox (Right)

Fair enough. Bias IS a problem.. Political parties should actually try to discourage bias. What's the point if they are the one who's creating and encouraging it...

People tend to judge a politician by their party without even bothering to examine the politician and learn about their policies.

5 They encourage wrong voting

Often times, voters vote by political parties without even bothering to look at the individual party's policies. As a result, there ends up being voting for the wrong candidate than expected. The fact that voters never even bother doing research on the politician and instead vote based on the party is a problem.

Yet it rigs the votes & can cause the wrong person to win.

6 They don't get anything done

Trump promised to make America great again 4 years ago. Eh... where is the promise? Is it walls? Segregations? Police? Where is it?

Biden? Nothing yet but I don't think he may be able to do much good here considering his age...

All political parties do is create a bunch of debate an argument that doesn't actually do anything good for America.

I mean what's the point of these parties?

7 They ruined America

There is a reason Washington warned against it before he died. Both Republicans and Democrats blame each other for dividing the country when in reality the Two Party System is the reason we are so divided. Both parties tend to point fingers instead of taking responsibility and are full of hypocrisy and conspiracy theories. Republicans want to take away LGBT rights and want to take away the Affordable Care Act without a backup plan while COVID is here, while Democrats want to take away guns and refused to get a relief bill done until Trump lost, and they tell us too stay home yet they travel and go out to eat in groups. I'm a former Republican who is now Independent by the way.

Abolish the Two Party System

Trump ironically did the opposite of what he planned to do with America. This is just some of the many wrongs he did: The trade war, the Israeli government recognition, anti-Immigrant laws, poor COVID-19 management, continued racism (RIP Floyd), and even the Capitol Storming last January!

Sums up everything on this list. The idea of political parties did nothing but ruin America.

America was at its best when George Washington & Abraham Lincoln were President.

8 They divide the country

George Washington wanted the country to be individual, but these political parties rebel against him.

9 George Washington hated political parties
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