Top 10 Similarities Between SJWs and the Alt Right
As a center-left/left-leaning person, I will get hate from both sides but, they act as if they are exact opposites when they have a lot in common.No explanation needed for this one.
Do you really think that SJWs want equality, or that the Alt-Right really wants free speech or to preserve culture?
As a right-leaning individual, I strongly hate the alt-right. They are just racists who think they are superior to minorities. And the SJWs aren't any better. They are the cause of the most idiotic term on the planet: political correctness! That term should not even exist, and it makes SJWs go crazy!
Now, I'm left-leaning and I hate SJWs for many reasons. One of which is that they give a bad name to peaceful and modest leftists like Progressives or Social Democrats. Now, I'm not right-leaning, but the alt-right certainly does give a bad name to most modest conservatives.
There are black alt-rights and white SJWs... the modern equivalent of having a black KKK member and a white Black Panther member.
The Alt-Right hates minorities, while SJWs hate people who are white (even though many SJWs are white).
The Alt-Right supports the KKK and white supremacist and anti-immigration groups in Europe. SJWs support Antifa.
My favorite: SJWs think that a 20-year-old woman who sees a penis at a college fraternity party 35 years ago has committed a serious crime, but a 10-year-old girl who sees a penis in a public restroom is demonstrating tolerance.
SJWs hate men (even though some SJWs are male), while the Alt-Right wants to limit women's rights. In addition to that, SJWs hate straight people, while the Alt-Right hates LGBT people.
Not quite in the same way. Alt-right does not like Jewish people living near them, and possibly having control over monetary systems. The SJWs despise Israel's very existence, and wish every single Jewish person would vanish from the earth.
Why are Jews the target of so many people? What have they done to y'all?
Just look at the YouTube comment section when someone disagrees with them. It's even better with popcorn.
SJWs think there are more than two genders, while the Alt-Right thinks global warming is a hoax and that race is connected to IQ.
The Newcomers
The Alt-Right turned Pepe into a white supremacy icon?!
Again, doesn't need an explanation.
Tumblr used to be a great blog site. Now it's practically an SJW madness arena.
SJWs ruined Tumblr and Twitter, while the Alt-Right ruined YouTube and Reddit.
Conservatives still often like to paint Biden as a racist for things he did in the '70s.
Liberals canceled Dr. Seuss for a book he wrote in the '30s.