Top 10 Most Annoying Types of People in Politics
I'm not saying all of them are bad, but many seem to think Trump is the second coming of Jesus Christ, despite the fact that Trump exhibits five out of the seven deadly sins. Many Trump supporters think he can't do anything wrong and would probably even cheer and praise him if he butchered puppies or shot kittens. I mean, just look at that picture.
Not only that, but many Trump supporters think anyone who's even slightly left-leaning is automatically an SJW. I'm center-left/left-leaning because I'm a Social Democrat, but I hate SJWs. However, because I'm left-leaning, many Trump supporters would think I'm an SJW.
Social Justice Warriors live up to the name. They are warriors who are willing to attack others for having views different from their own. They are wild buffoons who can't seem to handle an opposing opinion. They remind me of the Red Army Faction, though Antifa is more similar to them.
Social Justice Warriors ruin media and destroy democracy. Most of them are Socialists, LGBTQ individuals, and Soy Boy degenerates. They pave the way for far-right politics, which is why they make society a hard place. I hate them with a passion.
They're about as idiotic as the left-wing SJWs, especially the American version. They go around complaining, "Oh, immigrants are taking over our homeland," even though white Americans already destroyed America and its culture beforehand.
The neo-Nazi wing of the alt-right is downright awful, but the rest of the people within the alt-right (White Supremacists and MRAs (Men's Rights Activists), also known as meninists) are just annoying. They think they are superior because of race and gender.
If you ask me, SJWs shouldn't be above these people on the list. Don't get me wrong, SJWs are entitled dimwits, but they're not much worse than actual supremacists and the mentally impaired who believe there is a master race.
So people in the Middle East can just choose to be straight and they won't get killed? Huh, I wonder why it isn't like that... Yeah, being LGBT is not a choice.
Ugh, these people. Such homophobes. Right-wing religious nutjobs believe this.
Also known as homophobes.
I don't like Trump, but comparing him to a person who massacred six million people is very inaccurate.
He's pretty stupid and narcissistic, but he's definitely not a genocidal psychopath.
These people are proof that his haters are worse than his supporters.
I'm left-leaning, but I can agree that communism is not the way to go.
These people are just commie apologists.
Tankies are basically communists who either deny or defend communist dictators like Stalin, Mao, or Pol Pot. It seriously annoys me when I hear these people claim "Stalin did nothing wrong" unironically.
Ah yes, the commie dictator apologists. Not gonna lie, if you unironically think that an authoritarian state like the USSR was a good place to live, you're definitely short of a few brain cells.
Although I'm close to being one, anarchism doesn't work. There will always be someone out there who vies for power. Anarchism would only work in a utopia where nobody is violent, greedy, or power-hungry.
This is essentially a worse and more stupid version of communism. At least the latter had good intentions, but this does not.
They think their system can last long, even though it only worked for three years.
They're the ones who claim, "Obama's a Kenyan Muslim tyrant who wants to take our guns." Ok, Obama does have some Kenyan heritage. So what? And also, Obama's a Christian, but so what if he's Muslim? How does it make him worse? Also, how many guns did he take between 2009 and 2016? The answer is zero.
The Newcomers
If you claim you're a centrist, I'm going to immediately assume you're not a centrist. Most, if not all, real centrists do not brag about being centrist, and they clearly voted one way for some time.
The problem isn't centrism itself. It's that centrists often tend to lean a bit too much to the left. At least in Sweden.
You have children for the wrong reason.
I'm not against liberalism, but I hate how backwards some liberals and leftists tend to be, especially in the US and Sweden.