Top Ten Reasons the Country of Prussia is Awesome

I have already created a list about the Hetalia Prussia now its time for me to hit the history books and give the country itself a shot at fame.
The Top Ten
1 Prussia started as a Polish fief

Prussia had a long way to go before it was great why not start as a fief.

2 Prussia was occupied by the Teutonic Knights

The best Germanic knight order in the Holy Roman Empire

3 Prussia beat Austria in the Seven Years war
4 Prussia beat Austria in the Thirty Years
5 Prussia beat Austria in the Seven Week's War
6 Prussia managed to unite all the Germanic states

Prussia initiated the modern era of German militarism, and we know how that worked out for Europe, Jewry, and much of the civilized world. It doesn't need "a shot at fame." It's already infamous.

7 Prussia was ruled by Frederick the Great
8 Prussia was the first Lutheran Country
9 Prussia beat back Napoleon
10 Prussia had a march written about it

Prussia's Glory March

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