Top 10 Reasons to Hate Rule 34

Is the home of porn and I hate it do you? Then add some comments and add some idems too.
The Top Ten
1 It makes porn of your favorite character

I agree this. I seeing my favorite female cartoon characters are naked. Such as Kim Possible, Marceline and Princess Bubblegum etc. This is bothers me. Rule 34 must be gone!

I swear when I saw the cuphead dlc trailer these rule 34 artists saw the new character Ms.Chalice they already made porn art of her and this ''if it exists there's porn of it" is just a disgusting excuse for porn cause the arts are so messed up

If I see Lily Loud, Luan Loud, Mabel Pines, or Harvey Beaks getting sexualized, I'll try to be calm and not go insane. My brain will explode if I see crap like this.

The simple thought of my appreciated characters doing "it" makes me pretty uncomfortable, really.

2 Includes child-porn

This I believe is the main problem and concern when dealing with "rule 34". No one should have to be confronted with or even produce such content. It's disturbing and in no way should be acceptable for viewing pleasure.

I don't really care if you write or draw fiction that includes pedophilia because it's not real, but it's really painful to see young character porn when it wasn't made for eroticism, like Lisa Simpson, the Cutie Mark Crusaders or Jimmy Neutron. Ew...

Mabel Pines porn is everywhere, I ran, everywhere! I hated that stuff. She's just a teenager for heck's sake! And also, seeing Luan or Lynn Loud being sexualized is just sick!

Almost every main character from South Park (my favorite show), Darla Dimple from cats don't dance, Sailor chibi moon, Elmyra Duff, Gumball and Darwin Watterson, Dipper and Mabel Pines, every animatronic from FNAF, frisk and Chara and Betty Noir and Asriel from undertale, etc

3 Crossover shipping at it's absolute worst

I once came across a picture of BonziBuddy doing "it" with Jenny from My Life as a Teenage Robot.

4 It ruins your childhood

Rule 34 is basically the anti-KIDZ BOP. Making kid-friendly franchises dirty instead of making dirty songs clean.

I thought rule 34 was an anime, so I looked it up. I was SCARRED FOR LIFE! (I'm only 11, too.)

My childhood is ruined, and that's all Rule 34 fault!

It literally ruins it!

5 It's weird

I see MLP Rule 34 all the time! It's weird, creepy, and has nothing to do with the point of the show which is about friendship not sex!

Everything is weird to someone. Being weird is not something to hate. This should definitely not be #1

Yeah, Maybe something else will be #1, Not this one

I don't like it! It's just weird!

6 It makes porn of real people

I think shipping real people is wrong and disrespects them as if they are fictional characters. That includes porn, and I would be disgusted if someone made porn of me, my family, friends, or my oc's.

7 It ruined Cuphead

It ruined also all cartoons, movies, T.V. shows, video games and everything else, not only Cuphead!

And Now it fall the New Toons

8 It ruins your humanity

I've seen old forums (around 2007) where rule 34 is explained, and every user was disgusted by the idea, but nowadays it seems pretty normal. How do you explain that?

Most stuff isn't that bad but I know what people are trying to say like spider porn or teletubies its pretty nasty

9 Your mom thinks that you're weird

And to make it worse, you might get grounded untill further notice, AND FURTHER NOTICE CAN BE A VERY LONG TIME!

What reasons is this? Didn't it meant "your friends and family think that you're weird"?

Not only our parents. Tutors and teachers find it weird too!

If the mom finds that her son draws porn she should slap him

10 You cannot get the images out of your head

It's worser than a bad song ear worm. We just can't sleep in peace when we see a r34 pic.

Why did you have to bring up one of my favorite games in this crap?!

I can't get images out of my head that I try super hard to forget.

The images are so disgusting and revolting

The Contenders
11 It supports all kinds of evil and greed
12 It supports rape and sexual assault
13 Porn of characters who are underage

(cough) Maggie Pesky (cough)

14 It copies everything

See some authors prefer to not see porn of their characters, and others can get really offended, especially when the character is a cartoon version of themselves!

True erotic artists make porn of their OWN characters, intead of exploiting something that's not made by them to please perverts.

Exactly! If you want to clone 50 shades of grey/gray do it with your own characters, not my OC that I will make a video game about.

15 It makes some creators get upset

This is one of the fears I have if I make my character famous. I might just run into a rule 34 porno of my character, and have my mind shattered to pieces.

Nobody thinks about the poor original creators! Weird artists that make dirty pictures and dirty fanfiction writers are cruel and society justifies it!

The creators of Star Wars, The Stooges, Archie Comics and others aren't just ok with this. We must respect creators who don't want their creations to be r34'ed

Nintendo Bought the rights to a mario porno, most likely so another one doesn't get out.

16 People cringe about it too much

Yeah tru that

17 It includes tickling fetishism

As long as it's not too intense tickling, but a cute little nice innocent ticking pic of your favorite characters is cute once and a while.

Tickling overall is not that bad for me, such as soft one. However I agree tickling fetishism and intense tickling are bad!

They make characters touching other's boobs which is disgusting!

18 It's disgusting

Some characters are ugly or just awkward to look, and no orgasm would be achieved while looking at them doing sexual activities, man.

It's gross when characters are drawn with disproportionated body parts.

Just not disgusting, It's very gross and rude.

19 It makes kids angry

Seeing my favorite character turned into porn for the perverts to cap to makes me REALLY mad at the internet

Made me angry as frick when I saw all the tickling fetish art of tails.

Same. I felt the same way when I first saw tickling fetish 'art' of undertale.

20 It makes you be off from your favorite fandom

I try so hard to still like httyd but the fandom is almost ruining it.

21 It's disturbing

One of my biggest fears is the cartoon series I'm working on being r34'ed. People say things like "just ignore it", but once I know it happened, I get traumatizef.

22 It's not good for people under the age of 18

Not even for peoples over the age of 18

It's no good for ANYONE!

23 It includes zoophilia
24 It's a waste of time

You're just using someone that doesn't exist and isn't made to turn you on as a sexual object.

Go outside and do fun outdoorsy stuff and spend time with friends and family if you have any.

25 Ruins new things that exist
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