Top Ten Reasons Why People Don't Join the Military

Being in military is a great experience, every person should at least serve in the military for for an year, this lists show reasons why people do not join it.
The Top Ten
1 Very Low pay

Obama is making it worse. He isn't helping our military. Some people in the military live on the streets. :(

Even the best militaries in the world fail to satisfy people by their salary

2 Risk of Death

Probably the only thing that can prevent a person from joining military, I guess.

The risk of death in the military is almost negligible until it's the war time

3 Harshness
4 Staying away from home for a long time
5 Bullying
6 Marching
7 Work on Sundays, holidays
8 You have no time for rest
9 Seriousness

Well duh the military isn't a joke especially the Navy Seals

10 Medical Reasons
The Contenders
11 Participating in inhumane things
12 It will break their love one's heart if they get killed
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