Top 10 Reasons Why Seamen from the Game "Seaman" Are the Most Intelligent Species In the Universe

The Top Ten
1 They know the answer to life

Seaman know the true meaning of life itself.

2 Seamans is the creator of most inspiring quotes of all time like "I have the will to win a lottery for cocaine"
3 They created the game that cured kids from cancer

Seamans are really good that they made mah boi penis got noscoped by Cod kid.

4 They created the most genius list in TheTopTens "Top 10 Reasons Why Adventure Time is Better Than Ebola"
5 Seamens are the ones who created the genius man in the 21th century "CerealGuy"
6 Seaman doesn't drunk driver, kill, do drugs and commit crime unlike humans
7 Their accent brings faith in humanity
8 Seamans can talk

A talking fish? It is clearly more intelligent than us puny homo sapiens

9 Seamans can push rocks unlike other fishes
10 They are voiced by Leonard Nimoy
The Contenders
11 Seamen almost outsmarted the Angry Video Game Nerd himself
12 Seaman are the true ultimate lifeform
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