Top 10 Most Annoying Things in Restaurants
What are the most annoying things when visiting restaurants?I can understand an hour or two of waiting if the food is prepared completely fresh. That is just natural. However, I have experienced some downright ridiculous waiting times in the past. One restaurant I went to, we ended up spending five hours there overall. A good chunk of that was waiting for the food to come. The worst thing is that it was only the main course.
A message to all future restaurant managers and employees out there: people get bored. When you end up giving a customer a 4-hour wait time, it is very unlikely they will come again. Also, what the hell are you doing in there? Performing a ritual for the pigs you just slaughtered?
Who actually goes to a restaurant and expects complete freshness when there are often over 50 people on the premises?
To those who ask me, "But Raine, what about the slow cooking they have to perform?" Wouldn't it be common sense to put the slow cooker on prematurely and not when the consumer orders the meal? And if it isn't finished, use one from the last batch you cooked. If you are a fresh meat-slaughtering restaurant, then say so, so customers expect the long wait times. Or you could act like Class 3-E and ask for the food before the customer reaches the restaurant. Your call.
I ordered from a restaurant today, and the food was bad. The fries were spicy, and the salad didn't have cheese, bacon, or barely any croutons. It was disappointing. I also got chicken and breadsticks, but at least those were good. It was also disappointing that it cost $75. I will never order from that restaurant again.
When you feel like eating something quickly, or can't be bothered to cook yourself a meal, restaurants are your best friends. However, when the food tastes like rotten shoes, it would be best to eat at an accomplice's house.
Waiters need to be pleasant-hearted or at least put on some kind of believable act to provide good service to the customers. Why are you even in this job? You always walk around like you swallowed a hornet and seem to compete to be the most annoying person on the planet. If it is the only job open to you, then at least TRY to be a little bit kinder to the customers. They are not trying to start a glaring contest.
You are only shooting yourself in the foot with the lack of tip money you will end up earning, and the fact that the manager won't be amused by the customers you will turn off from their complex again.
Anything I can mention about this one that hasn't already been beaten to death by many other ranters and list makers out there? It is disgusting and makes you not want to eat the food, which is precisely what you went there for!
Well, I've been to a lot of high-end restaurants, like in China, Europe, and Spain. Holy cow, everything is so squeaky clean!
Yes, this is the worst one. Once, my family and I were at McDonald's, and there was dirt and mildew on the tables. Really? This is the worst thing about a restaurant.
Why do people make such a big deal out of this? Just pull the strand of hair out and move on with your day! The only exception is if it's a clump of hair, then I would be concerned.
Hair falling into food is often entirely accidental. The hygiene of the hair isn't. When the hair is covered in head lice and looks like it was dragged through a sewer a couple of times, do you think that would make customers want to come back to the restaurant? I don't think so.
When talking about actual hair in the food, try wearing hair nets in the future. Unless you cannot get your hands on one, which I doubt since you can find them in many clothing and hair shops, then you are simply being lazy.

This gets on my nerves so much. The parents don't give a flying crap about how other people's meals have to be ruined thanks to one baby with pipes shriller than a dog whistle and louder than a jet engine.
What are they so sad about? They don't have to do anything and act like their life is so tough.
This is too loud for peace, and I also hate infants crying in restaurants, on flights, and in other places. There are too many infants being too loud in some places. Their moms should shut them up and make them quiet.
Wine is always overpriced. They charge you more for a glass than if you went to a grocery store or liquor store and bought a bottle. So, I would rather buy it in a store. Forget about ordering wine in the restaurant. It costs more than the meal. Plus, it's better to drink alcoholic beverages at home.
You all know what I mean. Those restaurants that expect people to spend a ludicrous amount for one small meal or a batch of chips should honestly reevaluate their judgment.
I almost always get my orders wrong. I ordered a pizza with extra tomato sauce, onion, mushrooms, and garlic. I said all veggies, no meat. They put anchovies, olives, and tomato chunks. I was so mad. Another time, they put sausage and pepperoni. I never asked for them, and I don't like them.
This is the most annoying thing at restaurants!
Happens at McDonald's a lot.
My friends and I went to Howard Johnson's in Columbia, North Carolina. They ignored us, either because we were teens or because one of the guys was Black. After about an hour, we left.
The Newcomers

Karens are so annoying. I just pretend like they aren't even there when I come across one. They always, for some reason, pretend to be hurt - no idea why.
They act like the place exists to serve them (which I guess technically is true), but they think they're the only important person there.
Would these people just tell their kids to be quiet?
I was at a buffet, waiting my turn, when I noticed little kids touching the food! The parents didn't do anything, which made the situation worse.
One time, when my dad and I were at McDonald's, I used the bathroom, and there were these kids playing hide and seek in the restaurant! Like, what? Those were the most immature kids ever.
That's why people get banned from restaurants.
Then the parents don't do anything.
Like a turtle.
Every time I get ice cream, the package shows it with tons and tons of chocolate or whatever is supposed to be in it, but when I open the container, I'm like, "Where's the chocolate?"
Same. Where's the cookie dough in the cookie dough ice cream? Nowhere. They just put cookie dough on the label to make it sound good.
When they do an ad, the food looks excellent, but when you go there, it's not the same.
It is extremely unhygienic to have mice running around when preparing food.
Disgusting and unsanitary!
This is just disgusting.
That happened to me once when I was having dinner with friends. The lady sitting in the booth behind my group was coughing for over an hour. Thankfully, none of us got sick.
Some restaurants do this.
This happened once at Olive Garden. The waitress was giving us our drinks, and the tray tipped over. The soda spilled all over the table. And of course, it had to be my drink.
Only service dogs, but they're mostly quiet.