Top Ten Signs that Somebody is Weak

The Top Ten
1 They commit suicide

Whilst I don't agree with suicide, it takes a lot of courage to decide to take your own life and leave loved ones behind.

Weakness is disgusting

2 They don't try to reach their goals

People who don't have goals are bound to work for those who have.

3 They block people on social media
4 They bully other people
5 They like Justin Bieber

Those who stand up and admit they are a true Belieber are surely not weak!

6 They give in to peer pressure
7 They dwell on the past
8 They lie to people

This is not weakness. Some lie to protect others. How is this weak?

9 They snitch on people instead of solving the problems
10 They can't face consequences
The Contenders
11 They can't accept opinions
12 They feel like the worst person ever
13 They cheat
14 They steal
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