Top 10 Statements Many People Believe are Morally Wrong

Had to remake this list because my last version of it was only self-moderated.

I only respect opinions unless they're factually wrong or morally wrong. I DO respect opinions that can't be proven wrong such as liking modern mainstream music (even though I hate most of it) or a show/movie that people's don't like. But here's a list of morally wrong opinions that most likely wouldn't get respect.

If there's one you wanna submit then feel free to add it.
The Top Ten
1 All children should be raped

Who the heck believes this?!?!

2 All black people should be enslaved
3 All animals should be beaten and killed
4 You can have sex with your own family members
5 You can rape people anytime you want
6 All homosexuals should burn in hell
7 You can sex with dead bodies
8 You can murder random people
9 War should go on forever
10 All poor people should starve to death
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