Top Ten Heroes Characters
The top ten best characters from the television show Heroes. Heroes is an American superhero drama television series that tells the stories of ordinary people whose superhuman abilities take effect in their lives as they work together to prevent catastrophic futures.
Ali Larter brings this character's beauty and a kick-butt character as well. Niki has got to be one of the strongest characters in the first and second seasons. Her overall personality is just so cool. She's so mysterious and good at the same time.
My fave character. I love the whole story about her. A shame she was only in it for 2 seasons.
Niki Sanders has her share of problems. She's a single mother having to work as a stripper to earn cash.

Hayden Panettiere is the best actress on the show. She does an even better job when you consider that she was about 16 herself when playing a 16-year-old because she's so good.
High school characters are usually played by much older actors. For example, the actor of the rapist guy from the first few episodes was actually in his mid-twenties, not the 16-18 year old he was portraying.
"Save the cheerleader, save the world." The entire first season is built around one character, Claire Bennet.
Healing? Teenage girl trying to find herself? It's a character I certainly can relate to! Except for the healing part, of course.

Selfless, extraordinary, and not to mention quite attractive. *cue swooning for Ventimiglia*
A man who believed from the start that he was destined for greatness, despite onlookers telling him otherwise. A man with exceptional abilities and an extraordinary heart to match.
This is one of TV's most iconic protagonists. The selfless, caring hero with the potential to become the most powerful of them all. How could anyone not think he is #1?!
After his dad gave him the "it ain't about how hard you can hit, it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward" speech, he decided to do more with his life and save the world. What a guy.

Um, how is Elle not in the top 10? She is at least better than Mohinder and Adam. Heck, everyone is better than Mohinder, in my opinion. But anyways, Elle is definitely getting my vote! She was an awesome character, and I'm not saying she should've lived throughout the rest of the series, but she should have at least lived a little longer. Plus, electricity is like the coolest power on the show.
Kristen Bell gives a great performance as Elle, who was experimented on by her father. She's isolated, angry, and psychotic.

Hiro is the best character. He is funny, cool, and has the best power. I knew he was the best character ever since I first saw him move time backwards by a second. Then he teleported to New York in the future! That was awesome!
Ever since the first episode, no one could beat Hiro Nakamura, except maybe Claire, but Hiro is way cooler!
Hiro is very funny, has an awesome partner/sidekick, and has the best power ever: time travel! He is a hero who always strives to save the world from evil.
Don't read any further if you haven't seen all seasons and don't enjoy spoilers. Sylar in Volume 1, Adam in Volume 2, The Pinehearst Company in Volume 3, Lots of people such as Nathan and Danko in Volume 4, and Samuel in Volume 5. Hiro was amazing, and I wish there was a season focused just on him (before Heroes Reborn came out, of course).

Not only is Zachary Quinto's portrayal of the character realistic, raw, and emotional in an imaginative way, but the character's backstory and powers add another dimension that the others lack. His upbringing taught him to be special above all, and that mediocrity was worse than destruction.
His moral compass often combats these beliefs, as he doesn't want to hurt or kill people but finds himself in situations where he either can't control the urge or the environment around him has pushed him toward such actions. His character arc is fascinating and unique. Therefore, I find Sylar to be the best character in the show.

The Newcomers

I love this guy because I think he is easily one of the purest-hearted characters on the show. His ability is also epic. Not saying it would be preferable, but he is one of the characters deep enough that you could make a show just about him.
Best villain. Love David Anders.
Simone and Peter were the OTP! If only we got to know her better before they killed her off.