Top Ten Things Dad Rockers Say

The Top Ten
1 "True rock is dead, it's all pop music now. Thumbs up if you agree."
2 "Rap is just about partying and sex and gang violence!"
3 "Real music is made with instruments, not pressing a button on a machine."
4 "Today's music is all the same recycled thing, absolutely no experimentation whatsoever."
5 "All pop sucks."
6 "All the singers today suck and rely on autotune to sing well. Upvote please."
7 "Metal today is just for pussies and emo fags!"
8 "Lyrics are meaningless today, it's all "BABY BABY BABY OOH", not like how it used to be meaningful."
9 "Stairway to Heaven is real music, not autotune-filled "pop music" crap!"
10 "I don't like hearing pop music playing on the radio."
The Contenders
11 "I was born in the wrong generation."

I think this statement was usually saying by those r/lewronggeneration kids than those dad rockers.

12 "I've lost my faith in humanity"
13 "All pop music is fake"
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